ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 /* =========================================================================
5  Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Institute for Microelectronics,
6  Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
7  TU Wien.
8  Portions of this software are copyright by UChicago Argonne, LLC.
10  -----------------
11  ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
12  -----------------
14  Project Head: Karl Rupp
16  (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the manual)
18  License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
19 ============================================================================= */
27 #include <utility>
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <fstream>
30 #include <string>
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include <vector>
33 #include <math.h>
34 #include <map>
35 //#include "block_matrix.hpp"
36 //#include "block_vector.hpp"
37 //#include "benchmark-utils.hpp"
38 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp"
39 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp"
40 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp"
41 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector_proxy.hpp"
42 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/storage.hpp"
43 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp"
44 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp"
45 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/triangular.hpp"
46 #include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp"
47 // ViennaCL includes
48 #include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
49 #include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
53 #include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
54 #include "viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp"
56 #include "viennacl/linalg/ilu.hpp"
57 #include "viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp"
67 namespace viennacl
68 {
69 namespace linalg
70 {
71 namespace detail
72 {
73 namespace spai
74 {
78 {
79  template<typename T1, typename T2>
80  bool operator()(std::pair<T1, T2> const & left, std::pair<T1, T2> const & right)
81  {
82  return static_cast<double>(left.second) > static_cast<double>(right.second);
83  }
84 };
93 template<typename MatrixT>
94 void composeNewR(MatrixT const & A,
95  MatrixT const & R_n,
96  MatrixT & R)
97 {
98  typedef typename MatrixT::value_type NumericType;
100  vcl_size_t row_n = R_n.size1() - (A.size1() - R.size2());
101  MatrixT C = boost::numeric::ublas::zero_matrix<NumericType>(R.size1() + row_n, R.size2() + A.size2());
103  //write original R to new Composite R
105  //write upper part of Q'*A_I_\hatJ, all columns and number of rows that equals to R.size2()
107  R.size2() + A.size2())) +=
110  //adding decomposed(QR) block to Composite R
111  if (R_n.size1() > 0 && R_n.size2() > 0)
113  boost::numeric::ublas::range(R.size2(), R.size1() + row_n),
114  boost::numeric::ublas::range(R.size2(), R.size2() + A.size2())) += R_n;
115  R = C;
116 }
123 template<typename VectorT>
124 void composeNewVector(VectorT const & v_n,
125  VectorT & v)
126 {
127  typedef typename VectorT::value_type NumericType;
129  VectorT w = boost::numeric::ublas::zero_vector<NumericType>(v.size() + v_n.size());
131  boost::numeric::ublas::project(w, boost::numeric::ublas::range(v.size(), v.size() + v_n.size())) += v_n;
132  v = w;
133 }
140 template<typename SparseVectorT, typename NumericT>
141 void sparse_norm_2(SparseVectorT const & v,
142  NumericT & norm)
143 {
144  for (typename SparseVectorT::const_iterator vec_it = v.begin(); vec_it != v.end(); ++vec_it)
145  norm += (vec_it->second)*(vec_it->second);
147  norm = std::sqrt(norm);
148 }
156 template<typename SparseVectorT, typename NumericT>
157 void sparse_inner_prod(SparseVectorT const & v1,
158  SparseVectorT const & v2,
159  NumericT & res_v)
160 {
161  typename SparseVectorT::const_iterator v_it1 = v1.begin();
162  typename SparseVectorT::const_iterator v_it2 = v2.begin();
164  while ((v_it1 != v1.end())&&(v_it2 != v2.end()))
165  {
166  if (v_it1->first == v_it2->first)
167  {
168  res_v += (v_it1->second)*(v_it2->second);
169  ++v_it1;
170  ++v_it2;
171  }
172  else if (v_it1->first < v_it2->first)
173  ++v_it1;
174  else
175  ++v_it2;
176  }
177 }
187 template<typename SparseVectorT, typename NumericT>
188 bool buildAugmentedIndexSet(std::vector<SparseVectorT> const & A_v_c,
189  SparseVectorT const & res,
190  std::vector<unsigned int> & J,
191  std::vector<unsigned int> & J_u,
192  spai_tag const & tag)
193 {
194  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, NumericT> > p;
195  vcl_size_t cur_size = 0;
196  NumericT inprod, norm2;
198  for (typename SparseVectorT::const_iterator res_it = res.begin(); res_it != res.end(); ++res_it)
199  {
200  if (!isInIndexSet(J, res_it->first) && (std::fabs(res_it->second) > tag.getResidualThreshold()))
201  {
202  inprod = norm2 = 0;
203  sparse_inner_prod(res, A_v_c[res_it->first], inprod);
204  sparse_norm_2(A_v_c[res_it->first], norm2);
205  p.push_back(std::pair<unsigned int, NumericT>(res_it->first, (inprod*inprod)/(norm2*norm2)));
206  }
207  }
209  std::sort(p.begin(), p.end(), CompareSecond());
210  while ((cur_size < J.size()) && (p.size() > 0))
211  {
212  J_u.push_back(p[0].first);
213  p.erase(p.begin());
214  cur_size++;
215  }
216  p.clear();
217  return (cur_size > 0);
218 }
227 template<typename SparseVectorT>
228 void buildNewRowSet(std::vector<SparseVectorT> const & A_v_c,
229  std::vector<unsigned int> const & I,
230  std::vector<unsigned int> const & J_n,
231  std::vector<unsigned int> & I_n)
232 {
233  for (vcl_size_t i = 0; i < J_n.size(); ++i)
234  {
235  for (typename SparseVectorT::const_iterator col_it = A_v_c[J_n[i]].begin(); col_it!=A_v_c[J_n[i]].end(); ++col_it)
236  {
237  if (!isInIndexSet(I, col_it->first) && !isInIndexSet(I_n, col_it->first))
238  I_n.push_back(col_it->first);
239  }
240  }
241 }
249 template<typename MatrixT>
250 void QRBlockComposition(MatrixT const & A_I_J,
251  MatrixT const & A_I_J_u,
252  MatrixT & A_I_u_J_u)
253 {
254  typedef typename MatrixT::value_type NumericType;
256  vcl_size_t row_n1 = A_I_J_u.size1() - A_I_J.size2();
257  vcl_size_t row_n2 = A_I_u_J_u.size1();
258  vcl_size_t row_n = row_n1 + row_n2;
259  vcl_size_t col_n = A_I_J_u.size2();
261  MatrixT C = boost::numeric::ublas::zero_matrix<NumericType>(row_n, col_n);
263  boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, row_n1),
266  boost::numeric::ublas::range(A_I_J.size2(), A_I_J_u.size1()),
267  boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, col_n));
270  boost::numeric::ublas::range(row_n1, row_n1 + row_n2),
271  boost::numeric::ublas::range(0, col_n)) += A_I_u_J_u;
272  A_I_u_J_u = C;
273 }
287 template<typename SparseMatrixT,
288  typename SparseVectorT,
289  typename DenseMatrixT,
290  typename VectorT>
291 void block_update(SparseMatrixT const & A,
292  std::vector<SparseVectorT> const & A_v_c,
293  std::vector<SparseVectorT> & g_res,
294  std::vector<bool> & g_is_update,
295  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >& g_I,
296  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >& g_J,
297  std::vector<VectorT> & g_b_v,
298  std::vector<DenseMatrixT> & g_A_I_J,
299  spai_tag const & tag)
300 {
301  typedef typename DenseMatrixT::value_type NumericType;
304  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > g_J_u(g_J.size()); // set of new column indices
305  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > g_I_u(g_J.size()); // set of new row indices
306  std::vector<DenseMatrixT> g_A_I_J_u(g_J.size()); // matrix A(I, \tilde J), cf. Kallischko p.31-32
307  std::vector<DenseMatrixT> g_A_I_u_J_u(g_J.size()); // matrix A(\tilde I, \tilde J), cf. Kallischko
308  std::vector<VectorT> g_b_v_u(g_J.size()); // new vector of beta coefficients from QR factorization
311  #pragma omp parallel for
312 #endif
313  for (long i = 0; i < static_cast<long>(g_J.size()); ++i)
314  {
315  if (g_is_update[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)])
316  {
317  if (buildAugmentedIndexSet<SparseVectorT, NumericType>(A_v_c, g_res[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], tag))
318  {
319  //initialize matrix A_I_\hatJ
320  initProjectSubMatrix(A, g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_A_I_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
321  //multiplication of Q'*A_I_\hatJ
322  apply_q_trans_mat(g_A_I_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_b_v[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_A_I_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
323  //building new rows index set \hatI
324  buildNewRowSet(A_v_c, g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
325  initProjectSubMatrix(A, g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_A_I_u_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
326  //composition of block for new QR factorization
327  QRBlockComposition(g_A_I_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_A_I_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_A_I_u_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
328  //QR factorization
329  single_qr(g_A_I_u_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_b_v_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
330  //composition of new R and new vector b_v
331  composeNewR(g_A_I_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_A_I_u_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_A_I_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
332  composeNewVector(g_b_v_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_b_v[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
333  //composition of new sets: I and J
334  g_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].insert(g_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end(), g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].begin(), g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end());
335  g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].insert(g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end(), g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].begin(), g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end());
336  }
337  else
338  {
339  g_is_update[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)] = false;
340  }
341  }
342  }
343 }
346 /**************************************************** GPU SPAI Update ****************************************************************/
349 //performs Q'*A(I, \tilde J) on GPU
360 template<typename NumericT>
361 void block_q_multiplication(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > const & g_J_u,
362  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > const & g_I,
363  block_matrix & g_A_I_J_vcl,
364  block_vector & g_bv_vcl,
365  block_matrix & g_A_I_J_u_vcl,
366  std::vector<cl_uint> & g_is_update,
367  viennacl::context ctx)
368 {
369  viennacl::ocl::context & opencl_ctx = const_cast<viennacl::ocl::context &>(ctx.opencl_context());
370  unsigned int local_r_n = 0;
371  unsigned int local_c_n = 0;
372  unsigned int sz_blocks = 0;
374  get_max_block_size(g_I, local_r_n);
375  get_max_block_size(g_J_u, local_c_n);
377  //for debug
378  std::vector<cl_uint> matrix_dims(g_I.size()*2, static_cast<cl_uint>(0));
379  std::vector<cl_uint> blocks_ind(g_I.size() + 1, static_cast<cl_uint>(0));
380  compute_blocks_size(g_I, g_J_u, sz_blocks, blocks_ind, matrix_dims);
381  //std::vector<ScalarType> con_A_I_J(sz_blocks, static_cast<ScalarType>(0));
383  viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> g_is_update_vcl = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
384  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*(g_is_update.size())),
385  &(g_is_update[0]));
389  block_q_kernel.local_work_size(0, local_c_n);
390  block_q_kernel.global_work_size(0, 128*local_c_n);
391  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(block_q_kernel(g_A_I_J_vcl.handle(), g_A_I_J_vcl.handle2(), g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle(), g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle2(),
392  g_bv_vcl.handle(),
393  g_bv_vcl.handle1(), g_A_I_J_vcl.handle1(), g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle1(), g_is_update_vcl,
394  viennacl::ocl::local_mem(static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(NumericT)*(local_r_n*local_c_n))),
395  static_cast<cl_uint>(g_I.size())));
396 }
405 template<typename SizeT>
406 void assemble_qr_row_inds(std::vector<std::vector<SizeT> > const & g_I,
407  std::vector<std::vector<SizeT> > const & g_J,
408  std::vector<std::vector<SizeT> > const & g_I_u,
409  std::vector<std::vector<SizeT> > & g_I_q)
410 {
412  #pragma omp parallel for
413 #endif
414  for (long i = 0; i < static_cast<long>(g_I.size()); ++i)
415  {
416  for (vcl_size_t j = g_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].size(); j < g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].size(); ++j)
417  g_I_q[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].push_back(g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)][j]);
419  for (vcl_size_t j = 0; j < g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].size(); ++j)
420  g_I_q[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].push_back(g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)][j]);
421  }
422 }
438 template<typename NumericT>
439 void assemble_qr_block(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > const & g_J,
440  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > const& g_I,
441  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > const& g_J_u,
442  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > const& g_I_u,
443  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >& g_I_q,
444  block_matrix & g_A_I_J_u_vcl,
445  viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> & matrix_dimensions,
446  block_matrix & g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl,
447  std::vector<cl_uint> & g_is_update,
448  bool is_empty_block,
449  viennacl::context ctx)
450 {
451  viennacl::ocl::context & opencl_ctx = const_cast<viennacl::ocl::context &>(ctx.opencl_context());
453  //std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > g_I_q(g_I.size());
454  assemble_qr_row_inds(g_I, g_J, g_I_u, g_I_q);
455  unsigned int sz_blocks;
456  std::vector<cl_uint> matrix_dims(g_I.size()*2, static_cast<cl_uint>(0));
457  std::vector<cl_uint> blocks_ind(g_I.size() + 1, static_cast<cl_uint>(0));
459  compute_blocks_size(g_I_q, g_J_u, sz_blocks, blocks_ind, matrix_dims);
461  std::vector<NumericT> con_A_I_J_q(sz_blocks, static_cast<NumericT>(0));
463  block_matrix g_A_I_J_q_vcl;
464  //need to allocate memory for QR block
465  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
466  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(NumericT)*sz_blocks),
467  &(con_A_I_J_q[0]));
468  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle().context(opencl_ctx);
470  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle1() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
471  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*2*static_cast<unsigned int>(g_I.size())),
472  &(matrix_dims[0]));
473  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle1().context(opencl_ctx);
475  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle2() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
476  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*static_cast<unsigned int>(g_I.size() + 1)),
477  &(blocks_ind[0]));
478  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle2().context(opencl_ctx);
480  viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> g_is_update_vcl = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
481  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*(g_is_update.size())),
482  &(g_is_update[0]));
485  if (!is_empty_block)
486  {
487  viennacl::ocl::kernel& qr_assembly_kernel = opencl_ctx.get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::opencl::kernels::spai<NumericT>::program_name(), "block_qr_assembly");
488  qr_assembly_kernel.local_work_size(0, 1);
489  qr_assembly_kernel.global_work_size(0, 256);
490  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(qr_assembly_kernel(matrix_dimensions,
491  g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle(),
492  g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle2(),
493  g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle1(),
494  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle(),
495  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle2(),
496  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle1(),
497  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle(),
498  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle2(),
499  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle1(),
500  g_is_update_vcl,
501  static_cast<unsigned int>(g_I.size())));
502  }
503  else
504  {
505  viennacl::ocl::kernel& qr_assembly_kernel = opencl_ctx.get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::opencl::kernels::spai<NumericT>::program_name(), "block_qr_assembly_1");
506  qr_assembly_kernel.local_work_size(0, 1);
507  qr_assembly_kernel.global_work_size(0, 256);
508  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(qr_assembly_kernel(matrix_dimensions, g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle(), g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle2(),
509  g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle1(),
510  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle(),
511  g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle2(), g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle1(),
512  g_is_update_vcl,
513  static_cast<unsigned int>(g_I.size())));
514  }
515  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle() = g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle();
516  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle1() = g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle1();
517  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle2() = g_A_I_J_q_vcl.handle2();
518 }
532 template<typename NumericT>
533 void assemble_r(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > & g_I,
534  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > & g_J,
535  block_matrix & g_A_I_J_vcl,
536  block_matrix & g_A_I_J_u_vcl,
537  block_matrix & g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl,
538  block_vector & g_bv_vcl,
539  block_vector & g_bv_vcl_u,
540  std::vector<cl_uint> & g_is_update,
541  viennacl::context ctx)
542 {
543  viennacl::ocl::context & opencl_ctx = const_cast<viennacl::ocl::context &>(ctx.opencl_context());
544  std::vector<cl_uint> matrix_dims(g_I.size()*2, static_cast<cl_uint>(0));
545  std::vector<cl_uint> blocks_ind(g_I.size() + 1, static_cast<cl_uint>(0));
546  std::vector<cl_uint> start_bv_r_inds(g_I.size() + 1, 0);
547  unsigned int sz_blocks, bv_size;
549  compute_blocks_size(g_I, g_J, sz_blocks, blocks_ind, matrix_dims);
550  get_size(g_J, bv_size);
551  init_start_inds(g_J, start_bv_r_inds);
553  std::vector<NumericT> con_A_I_J_r(sz_blocks, static_cast<NumericT>(0));
554  std::vector<NumericT> b_v_r(bv_size, static_cast<NumericT>(0));
556  block_matrix g_A_I_J_r_vcl;
557  block_vector g_bv_r_vcl;
558  g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
559  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(NumericT)*sz_blocks),
560  &(con_A_I_J_r[0]));
561  g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle().context(opencl_ctx);
563  g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle1() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
564  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*2*static_cast<unsigned int>(g_I.size())),
565  &(matrix_dims[0]));
566  g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle1().context(opencl_ctx);
568  g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle2() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
569  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*static_cast<unsigned int>(g_I.size() + 1)),
570  &(blocks_ind[0]));
571  g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle2().context(opencl_ctx);
573  g_bv_r_vcl.handle() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
574  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(NumericT)*bv_size),
575  &(b_v_r[0]));
576  g_bv_r_vcl.handle().context(opencl_ctx);
578  g_bv_r_vcl.handle1() = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
579  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*(g_I.size() + 1)),
580  &(start_bv_r_inds[0]));
581  g_bv_r_vcl.handle().context(opencl_ctx);
583  viennacl::ocl::handle<cl_mem> g_is_update_vcl = opencl_ctx.create_memory(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
584  static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(cl_uint)*(g_is_update.size())),
585  &(g_is_update[0]));
587  viennacl::ocl::kernel& r_assembly_kernel = opencl_ctx.get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::opencl::kernels::spai<NumericT>::program_name(), "block_r_assembly");
588  r_assembly_kernel.local_work_size(0, 1);
589  r_assembly_kernel.global_work_size(0, 256);
591  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(r_assembly_kernel(g_A_I_J_vcl.handle(), g_A_I_J_vcl.handle2(), g_A_I_J_vcl.handle1(),
592  g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle(), g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle2(), g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle1(),
593  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle(), g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle2(), g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl.handle1(),
594  g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle(), g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle2(), g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle1(),
595  g_is_update_vcl, static_cast<cl_uint>(g_I.size())));
597  viennacl::ocl::kernel & bv_assembly_kernel = opencl_ctx.get_kernel(viennacl::linalg::opencl::kernels::spai<NumericT>::program_name(), "block_bv_assembly");
598  bv_assembly_kernel.local_work_size(0, 1);
599  bv_assembly_kernel.global_work_size(0, 256);
600  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(bv_assembly_kernel(g_bv_vcl.handle(), g_bv_vcl.handle1(), g_A_I_J_vcl.handle1(), g_bv_vcl_u.handle(),
601  g_bv_vcl_u.handle1(), g_A_I_J_u_vcl.handle1(),
602  g_bv_r_vcl.handle(), g_bv_r_vcl.handle1(), g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle1(), g_is_update_vcl,
603  static_cast<cl_uint>(g_I.size())));
604  g_bv_vcl.handle() = g_bv_r_vcl.handle();
605  g_bv_vcl.handle1() = g_bv_r_vcl.handle1();
607  g_A_I_J_vcl.handle() = g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle();
608  g_A_I_J_vcl.handle2() = g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle2();
609  g_A_I_J_vcl.handle1() = g_A_I_J_r_vcl.handle1();
610 }
624 template<typename NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV, typename SparseVectorT>
626  std::vector<SparseVectorT> const & A_v_c,
627  std::vector<cl_uint> & g_is_update,
628  std::vector<SparseVectorT> & g_res,
629  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > & g_J,
630  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > & g_I,
631  block_matrix & g_A_I_J_vcl,
632  block_vector & g_bv_vcl,
633  spai_tag const & tag)
634 {
636  //updated index set for columns
637  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > g_J_u(g_J.size());
638  //updated index set for rows
639  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > g_I_u(g_J.size());
640  //mixed index set of old and updated indices for rows
641  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > g_I_q(g_J.size());
642  //GPU memory for A_I_\hatJ
643  block_matrix g_A_I_J_u_vcl;
644  //GPU memory for A_\hatI_\hatJ
645  block_matrix g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl;
646  bool is_empty_block;
647  //GPU memory for new b_v
648  block_vector g_bv_u_vcl;
651  #pragma omp parallel for
652 #endif
653  for (long i = 0; i < static_cast<long>(g_J.size()); ++i)
654  {
655  if (g_is_update[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)])
656  {
657  if (buildAugmentedIndexSet<SparseVectorT, NumericT>(A_v_c, g_res[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], tag))
658  buildNewRowSet(A_v_c, g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)], g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)]);
659  }
660  }
661  //assemble new A_I_J_u blocks on GPU and multiply them with Q'
662  block_assembly(A, g_J_u, g_I, g_A_I_J_u_vcl, g_is_update, is_empty_block);
663  //I have matrix A_I_J_u ready..
664  block_q_multiplication<NumericT>(g_J_u, g_I, g_A_I_J_vcl, g_bv_vcl, g_A_I_J_u_vcl, g_is_update, ctx);
665  //assemble A_\hatI_\hatJ
666  block_assembly(A, g_J_u, g_I_u, g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, g_is_update, is_empty_block);
667  assemble_qr_block<NumericT>(g_J, g_I, g_J_u, g_I_u, g_I_q, g_A_I_J_u_vcl, g_A_I_J_vcl.handle1(),
668  g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, g_is_update, is_empty_block, ctx);
670  block_qr<NumericT>(g_I_q, g_J_u, g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, g_bv_u_vcl, g_is_update, ctx);
671  //concatanation of new and old indices
673  #pragma omp parallel for
674 #endif
675  for (long i = 0; i < static_cast<long>(g_J.size()); ++i)
676  {
677  g_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].insert(g_J[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end(), g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].begin(), g_J_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end());
678  g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].insert(g_I[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end(), g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].begin(), g_I_u[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i)].end());
679  }
680  assemble_r<NumericT>(g_I, g_J, g_A_I_J_vcl, g_A_I_J_u_vcl, g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, g_bv_vcl, g_bv_u_vcl, g_is_update, ctx);
681 }
683 }
684 }
685 }
686 }
687 #endif
Main kernel class for generating OpenCL kernels for the sparse approximate inverse preconditioners...
Definition: spai.hpp:587
bool buildAugmentedIndexSet(std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, SparseVectorT const &res, std::vector< unsigned int > &J, std::vector< unsigned int > &J_u, spai_tag const &tag)
Building a new set of column indices J_u, cf. Kallischko dissertation p.31.
Represents contigious matrices on GPU.
Implementations of dense matrix related operations including matrix-vector products.
Helper functor for comparing std::pair<> based on the second member.
viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > & handle()
Returns a handle to the elements.
void sparse_norm_2(SparseVectorT const &v, NumericT &norm)
Computation of Euclidean norm for sparse vector.
viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > & handle1()
Return handle to start indices.
Generic interface for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. See viennacl/linalg/vector_operations...
bool operator()(std::pair< T1, T2 > const &left, std::pair< T1, T2 > const &right)
Represents an OpenCL kernel within ViennaCL.
Definition: kernel.hpp:58
Implementation of the dense matrix class.
size_type local_work_size(int index=0) const
Returns the local work size at the respective dimension.
Definition: kernel.hpp:742
OpenCL kernel file for sparse approximate inverse operations.
Manages an OpenCL context and provides the respective convenience functions for creating buffers...
Definition: context.hpp:55
void compute_blocks_size(std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J, unsigned int &sz, std::vector< cl_uint > &blocks_ind, std::vector< cl_uint > &matrix_dims)
**************************************** BLOCK FUNCTIONS ************************************// ...
Definition: qr.hpp:129
void get_size(std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &inds, SizeT &size)
Computes size of particular container of index set.
Definition: qr.hpp:151
void assemble_qr_row_inds(std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &g_I_u, std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > &g_I_q)
Assembly of container of index row sets: I_q, row indices for new "QR block".
Main implementation of SPAI (not FSPAI). Experimental.
Generic interface for the computation of inner products. See viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp for implementations.
void block_update(SparseMatrixT const &A, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &g_res, std::vector< bool > &g_is_update, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, std::vector< VectorT > &g_b_v, std::vector< DenseMatrixT > &g_A_I_J, spai_tag const &tag)
CPU-based dynamic update for SPAI preconditioner.
viennacl::ocl::context const & context() const
Definition: handle.hpp:191
float NumericT
Definition: bisect.cpp:40
bool isInIndexSet(std::vector< SizeT > const &J, SizeT ind)
Determines if element ind is in set {J}.
Definition: spai-static.hpp:72
void buildNewRowSet(std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< unsigned int > const &I, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J_n, std::vector< unsigned int > &I_n)
Building a new indices to current set of row indices I_n, cf. Kallischko dissertation p...
Represents a generic 'context' similar to an OpenCL context, but is backend-agnostic and thus also su...
Definition: context.hpp:39
void single_qr(MatrixT &R, VectorT &b_v)
Inplace QR factorization via Householder reflections c.f. Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan "Matrix Computations" 3rd edition p.224.
Definition: qr.hpp:311
basic_range range
Definition: forwards.h:424
Main namespace in ViennaCL. Holds all the basic types such as vector, matrix, etc. and defines operations upon them.
Definition: cpu_ram.hpp:34
void block_assembly(viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &A, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, bool &is_empty_block)
Assembly of blocks on GPU by a gived set of row indices: g_I and column indices: g_J.
Definition: spai.hpp:507
viennacl::vector< float > v1
Implementation of a bunch of (small) matrices on GPU. Experimental.
vcl_size_t size(VectorType const &vec)
Generic routine for obtaining the size of a vector (ViennaCL, uBLAS, etc.)
Definition: size.hpp:235
A class representing local (shared) OpenCL memory. Typically used as kernel argument.
Definition: local_mem.hpp:33
void insert(MatrixType &matrix, long row, long col, ScalarType value)
Definition: vector-io.hpp:31
Implementation of a simultaneous QR factorization of multiple matrices. Experimental.
void composeNewVector(VectorT const &v_n, VectorT &v)
Composition of new vector of coefficients beta from QR factorizations(necessary for Q recovery) ...
Definition: blas3.hpp:36
viennacl::ocl::kernel & get_kernel(std::string const &program_name, std::string const &kernel_name)
Convenience function for retrieving the kernel of a program directly from the context.
Definition: context.hpp:605
void init_start_inds(std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &inds, std::vector< cl_uint > &start_inds)
Initializes start indices of particular index set.
Definition: qr.hpp:165
Implementations of incomplete factorization preconditioners. Convenience header file.
Implementation of a static SPAI. Experimental.
void assemble_r(std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_u_vcl, block_matrix &g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl_u, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, viennacl::context ctx)
Performs assembly for new R matrix on GPU.
Implementation of the compressed_matrix class.
Implementation of a bunch of vectors on GPU. Experimental.
Implementations of operations using sparse matrices.
viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > & handle1()
Returns a handle to the matrix dimensions.
void assemble_qr_block(std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J_u, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I_u, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I_q, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_u_vcl, viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > &matrix_dimensions, block_matrix &g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, bool is_empty_block, viennacl::context ctx)
Performs assembly for new QR block.
void initProjectSubMatrix(SparseMatrixT const &A_in, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J, std::vector< unsigned int > &I, DenseMatrixT &A_out)
Initializes a dense matrix from a sparse one.
Definition: spai.hpp:156
matrix_range< MatrixType > project(MatrixType const &A, viennacl::range const &r1, viennacl::range const &r2)
viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > & handle()
Return handle to the elements.
Implementation of the spai tag holding SPAI configuration parameters. Experimental.
std::size_t vcl_size_t
Definition: forwards.h:75
The conjugate gradient method is implemented here.
Implementations of the OpenCL backend, where all contexts are stored in.
viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > & handle2()
Returns a handle to the start indices of matrix.
void sparse_inner_prod(SparseVectorT const &v1, SparseVectorT const &v2, NumericT &res_v)
Dot product of two sparse vectors.
viennacl::context context(T const &t)
Returns an ID for the currently active memory domain of an object.
Definition: context.hpp:40
void get_max_block_size(std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &inds, SizeT &max_size)
Getting max size of rows/columns from container of index set.
Definition: qr.hpp:338
viennacl::vector< int > v2
void enqueue(KernelType &k, viennacl::ocl::command_queue const &queue)
Enqueues a kernel in the provided queue.
Definition: enqueue.hpp:50
void block_q_multiplication(std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J_u, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_u_vcl, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, viennacl::context ctx)
Performs multiplication Q'*A(I, \tilde J) on GPU.
Represents a contiguous vector on the GPU to represent a concatentation of small vectors.
static void init(viennacl::ocl::context &ctx)
Definition: spai.hpp:594
size_type global_work_size(int index=0) const
Returns the global work size at the respective dimension.
Definition: kernel.hpp:751
void apply_q_trans_mat(MatrixT const &R, VectorT const &b_v, MatrixT &A)
Multiplication of Q'*A, where Q is in implicit for lower part of R and vector of betas - b_v...
Definition: qr.hpp:404
A sparse square matrix in compressed sparse rows format.
Implementation of the ViennaCL scalar class.
void QRBlockComposition(MatrixT const &A_I_J, MatrixT const &A_I_J_u, MatrixT &A_I_u_J_u)
Composition of new block for QR factorization cf. Kallischko dissertation p.82, figure 4...
void composeNewR(MatrixT const &A, MatrixT const &R_n, MatrixT &R)
Composition of new matrix R, that is going to be used in Least Square problem solving.
viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > create_memory(cl_mem_flags flags, unsigned int size, void *ptr=NULL) const
Creates a memory buffer within the context.
Definition: context.hpp:216