ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
spai Directory Reference


file  block_matrix.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a bunch of (small) matrices on GPU. Experimental.
file  block_vector.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a bunch of vectors on GPU. Experimental.
file  fspai.hpp [code]
 Implementation of FSPAI. Experimental.
file  qr.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a simultaneous QR factorization of multiple matrices. Experimental.
file  small_matrix.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a routines for small matrices (helper for SPAI). Experimental.
file  spai-dynamic.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a dynamic SPAI. Provides the routines for automatic pattern updates Experimental.
file  spai-static.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a static SPAI. Experimental.
file  spai.hpp [code]
 Main implementation of SPAI (not FSPAI). Experimental.
file  spai_tag.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the spai tag holding SPAI configuration parameters. Experimental.
file  sparse_vector.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a helper sparse vector class for SPAI. Experimental.