ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
viennacl::linalg::detail::spai Namespace Reference

Implementation namespace for sparse approximate inverse preconditioner. More...


class  block_matrix
 Represents contigious matrices on GPU. More...
class  block_vector
 Represents a contiguous vector on the GPU to represent a concatentation of small vectors. More...
struct  CompareSecond
 Helper functor for comparing std::pair<> based on the second member. More...
class  fspai_tag
 A tag for FSPAI. Experimental. More...
class  spai_tag
 A tag for SPAI. More...
class  sparse_vector
 Represents a sparse vector based on std::map<unsigned int, NumericT> More...


template<typename MatrixT , typename NumericT >
void sym_sparse_matrix_to_stl (MatrixT const &A, std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, NumericT > > &STL_A)
template<typename MatrixT >
void generateJ (MatrixT const &A, std::vector< std::vector< vcl_size_t > > &J)
template<typename NumericT , typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void fill_blocks (std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, NumericT > > &A, std::vector< MatrixT > &blocks, std::vector< std::vector< vcl_size_t > > const &J, std::vector< VectorT > &Y)
template<typename MatrixT >
void cholesky_decompose (MatrixT &A)
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void cholesky_solve (MatrixT const &L, VectorT &b)
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void computeL (MatrixT const &A, MatrixT &L, MatrixT &L_trans, std::vector< VectorT > &Y, std::vector< std::vector< vcl_size_t > > &J)
template<typename MatrixT >
void computeFSPAI (MatrixT const &A, MatrixT const &PatternA, MatrixT &L, MatrixT &L_trans, fspai_tag)
template<typename T , typename InputIteratorT >
void Print (std::ostream &ostr, InputIteratorT it_begin, InputIteratorT it_end)
template<typename VectorT , typename MatrixT >
void write_to_block (VectorT &con_A_I_J, unsigned int start_ind, std::vector< unsigned int > const &I, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J, MatrixT &m)
template<typename VectorT >
void print_continious_matrix (VectorT &con_A_I_J, std::vector< cl_uint > &blocks_ind, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J)
template<typename VectorT >
void print_continious_vector (VectorT &con_v, std::vector< cl_uint > &block_ind, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J)
void compute_blocks_size (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J, unsigned int &sz, std::vector< cl_uint > &blocks_ind, std::vector< cl_uint > &matrix_dims)
 **************************************** BLOCK FUNCTIONS ************************************// More...
template<typename SizeT >
void get_size (std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &inds, SizeT &size)
 Computes size of particular container of index set. More...
template<typename SizeT >
void init_start_inds (std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &inds, std::vector< cl_uint > &start_inds)
 Initializes start indices of particular index set. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename NumericT >
void dot_prod (MatrixT const &A, unsigned int beg_ind, NumericT &res)
 Dot prod of particular column of martix A with it's self starting at a certain index beg_ind. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void custom_inner_prod (MatrixT const &A, VectorT const &v, unsigned int col_ind, unsigned int start_ind, NumericT &res)
 Dot prod of particular matrix column with arbitrary vector: A(:, col_ind) More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void copy_vector (MatrixT const &A, VectorT &v, unsigned int beg_ind)
 Copying part of matrix column. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void householder_vector (MatrixT const &A, unsigned int j, VectorT &v, NumericT &b)
 Computation of Householder vector, householder reflection c.f. Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan "Matrix Computations" 3rd edition p.210. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void apply_householder_reflection (MatrixT &A, unsigned int iter_cnt, VectorT &v, NumericT b)
 Inplace application of Householder vector to a matrix A. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void store_householder_vector (MatrixT &A, unsigned int ind, VectorT &v)
 Storage of vector v in column(A, ind), starting from ind-1 index of a column. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void single_qr (MatrixT &R, VectorT &b_v)
 Inplace QR factorization via Householder reflections c.f. Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan "Matrix Computations" 3rd edition p.224. More...
template<typename SizeT >
void get_max_block_size (std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &inds, SizeT &max_size)
 Getting max size of rows/columns from container of index set. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void custom_dot_prod (MatrixT const &A, VectorT const &v, unsigned int ind, NumericT &res)
 Dot_prod(column(A, ind), v) starting from index ind+1. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void apply_q_trans_vec (MatrixT const &R, VectorT const &b_v, VectorT &y)
 Recovery Q from matrix R and vector of betas b_v. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void apply_q_trans_mat (MatrixT const &R, VectorT const &b_v, MatrixT &A)
 Multiplication of Q'*A, where Q is in implicit for lower part of R and vector of betas - b_v. More...
template<typename NumericT >
void block_qr (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, viennacl::context ctx)
 Inplace QR factorization via Householder reflections c.f. Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan "Matrix Computations" 3rd edition p.224 performed on GPU. More...
template<typename MatrixT >
void make_rotation_matrix (MatrixT &mat, vcl_size_t new_size, vcl_size_t off_diagonal_distance=4)
template<typename MatrixT >
double determinant (boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_expression< MatrixT > const &mat_r)
template<typename MatrixT >
void composeNewR (MatrixT const &A, MatrixT const &R_n, MatrixT &R)
 Composition of new matrix R, that is going to be used in Least Square problem solving. More...
template<typename VectorT >
void composeNewVector (VectorT const &v_n, VectorT &v)
 Composition of new vector of coefficients beta from QR factorizations(necessary for Q recovery) More...
template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void sparse_norm_2 (SparseVectorT const &v, NumericT &norm)
 Computation of Euclidean norm for sparse vector. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void sparse_inner_prod (SparseVectorT const &v1, SparseVectorT const &v2, NumericT &res_v)
 Dot product of two sparse vectors. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
bool buildAugmentedIndexSet (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, SparseVectorT const &res, std::vector< unsigned int > &J, std::vector< unsigned int > &J_u, spai_tag const &tag)
 Building a new set of column indices J_u, cf. Kallischko dissertation p.31. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT >
void buildNewRowSet (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< unsigned int > const &I, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J_n, std::vector< unsigned int > &I_n)
 Building a new indices to current set of row indices I_n, cf. Kallischko dissertation p.32. More...
template<typename MatrixT >
void QRBlockComposition (MatrixT const &A_I_J, MatrixT const &A_I_J_u, MatrixT &A_I_u_J_u)
 Composition of new block for QR factorization cf. Kallischko dissertation p.82, figure 4.7. More...
template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT , typename DenseMatrixT , typename VectorT >
void block_update (SparseMatrixT const &A, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &g_res, std::vector< bool > &g_is_update, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, std::vector< VectorT > &g_b_v, std::vector< DenseMatrixT > &g_A_I_J, spai_tag const &tag)
 CPU-based dynamic update for SPAI preconditioner. More...
template<typename NumericT >
void block_q_multiplication (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J_u, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_u_vcl, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, viennacl::context ctx)
 Performs multiplication Q'*A(I, \tilde J) on GPU. More...
template<typename SizeT >
void assemble_qr_row_inds (std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &g_I_u, std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > &g_I_q)
 Assembly of container of index row sets: I_q, row indices for new "QR block". More...
template<typename NumericT >
void assemble_qr_block (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J_u, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I_u, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I_q, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_u_vcl, viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > &matrix_dimensions, block_matrix &g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, bool is_empty_block, viennacl::context ctx)
 Performs assembly for new QR block. More...
template<typename NumericT >
void assemble_r (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_u_vcl, block_matrix &g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl_u, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, viennacl::context ctx)
 Performs assembly for new R matrix on GPU. More...
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV, typename SparseVectorT >
void block_update (viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &A, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &g_res, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl, spai_tag const &tag)
 GPU-based block update. More...
template<typename SizeT >
bool isInIndexSet (std::vector< SizeT > const &J, SizeT ind)
 Determines if element ind is in set {J}. More...
template<typename VectorT , typename SparseVectorT >
void fanOutVector (VectorT const &m_in, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J, SparseVectorT &m)
 Projects solution of LS problem onto original column m. More...
template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void backwardSolve (MatrixT const &R, VectorT const &y, VectorT &x)
 Solution of linear:R*x=y system by backward substitution. More...
template<typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void projectI (std::vector< unsigned int > const &I, VectorT &y, unsigned int ind)
 Perform projection of set I on the unit-vector. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT >
void buildColumnIndexSet (SparseVectorT const &v, std::vector< unsigned int > &J)
 Builds index set of projected columns for current column of preconditioner. More...
template<typename SparseMatrixT >
void initPreconditioner (SparseMatrixT const &A, SparseMatrixT &M)
 Initialize preconditioner with sparcity pattern = p(A) More...
template<typename SparseVectorT >
void projectRows (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J, std::vector< unsigned int > &I)
 Row projection for matrix A(:,J) -> A(I,J), building index set of non-zero rows. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT >
void print_sparse_vector (SparseVectorT const &v)
template<typename DenseMatrixT >
void print_matrix (DenseMatrixT &m)
template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void add_sparse_vectors (SparseVectorT const &v, NumericT b, SparseVectorT &res_v)
 Add two sparse vectors res_v = b*v. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void compute_spai_residual (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, SparseVectorT const &v, unsigned int ind, SparseVectorT &res)
 Computation of residual res = A*v - e. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT >
void build_index_set (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, SparseVectorT const &v, std::vector< unsigned int > &J, std::vector< unsigned int > &I)
 Setting up index set of columns and rows for certain column. More...
template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename DenseMatrixT >
void initProjectSubMatrix (SparseMatrixT const &A_in, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J, std::vector< unsigned int > &I, DenseMatrixT &A_out)
 Initializes a dense matrix from a sparse one. More...
template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename DenseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT , typename VectorT >
void block_set_up (SparseMatrixT const &A, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &M_v, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, std::vector< DenseMatrixT > &g_A_I_J, std::vector< VectorT > &g_b_v)
 Setting up blocks and QR factorizing them on CPU. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT >
void index_set_up (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &M_v, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I)
 Setting up index set of columns and rows for all columns. More...
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV, typename SparseVectorT >
void block_set_up (viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &A, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &M_v, std::vector< cl_uint > g_is_update, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, block_matrix &g_A_I_J, block_vector &g_bv)
 Setting up blocks and QR factorizing them on GPU. More...
template<typename NumericT , typename SparseVectorT >
void custom_fan_out (std::vector< NumericT > const &m_in, unsigned int start_m_ind, std::vector< unsigned int > const &J, SparseVectorT &m)
 Elicitation of sparse vector m for particular column from m_in - contigious vector for all columns. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void least_square_solve (std::vector< SparseVectorT > &A_v_c, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &M_v, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, block_vector &g_bv_vcl, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &g_res, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, const spai_tag &tag, viennacl::context ctx)
 Solution of Least square problem on GPU. More...
template<typename SparseVectorT , typename DenseMatrixT , typename VectorT >
void least_square_solve (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &A_v_c, std::vector< DenseMatrixT > &g_R, std::vector< VectorT > &g_b_v, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_I, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &g_J, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &g_res, std::vector< bool > &g_is_update, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &M_v, spai_tag const &tag)
 Solution of Least square problem on CPU. More...
template<typename VectorType >
bool is_all_update (VectorType &parallel_is_update)
template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT >
void vectorize_column_matrix (SparseMatrixT const &M_in, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &M_v)
 Solution of Least square problem on CPU. More...
template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT >
void vectorize_row_matrix (SparseMatrixT const &M_in, std::vector< SparseVectorT > &M_v)
template<typename SizeT >
void write_set_to_array (std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &ind_set, std::vector< cl_uint > &a)
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void block_assembly (viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &A, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_J, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &g_I, block_matrix &g_A_I_J_vcl, std::vector< cl_uint > &g_is_update, bool &is_empty_block)
 Assembly of blocks on GPU by a gived set of row indices: g_I and column indices: g_J. More...
template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT >
void insert_sparse_columns (std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &M_v, SparseMatrixT &M, bool is_right)
 Insertion of vectorized matrix column into original sparse matrix. More...
template<typename MatrixT >
void sparse_transpose (MatrixT const &A_in, MatrixT &A)
 Transposition of sparse matrix. More...
template<typename MatrixT >
void computeSPAI (MatrixT const &A, MatrixT &M, spai_tag &tag)
 Construction of SPAI preconditioner on CPU. More...
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void computeSPAI (viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &A, boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix< NumericT > const &cpu_A, boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix< NumericT > &cpu_M, viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > &M, spai_tag const &tag)
 Construction of SPAI preconditioner on GPU. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation namespace for sparse approximate inverse preconditioner.

Function Documentation

template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::add_sparse_vectors ( SparseVectorT const &  v,
NumericT  b,
SparseVectorT &  res_v 

Add two sparse vectors res_v = b*v.

vinitial sparse vector
res_voutput vector

Definition at line 105 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::apply_householder_reflection ( MatrixT &  A,
unsigned int  iter_cnt,
VectorT &  v,
NumericT  b 

Inplace application of Householder vector to a matrix A.

Ainit matrix
iter_cntcurrent iteration
vHouseholder vector

Definition at line 271 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::apply_q_trans_mat ( MatrixT const &  R,
VectorT const &  b_v,
MatrixT &  A 

Multiplication of Q'*A, where Q is in implicit for lower part of R and vector of betas - b_v.

Rinput matrix
b_vvector of betas
Aoutput matrix

Definition at line 404 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::apply_q_trans_vec ( MatrixT const &  R,
VectorT const &  b_v,
VectorT &  y 

Recovery Q from matrix R and vector of betas b_v.

Rinput matrix
b_vvector of betas
youtput vector

Definition at line 377 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::assemble_qr_block ( std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_J,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_J_u,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_I_u,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I_q,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_u_vcl,
viennacl::ocl::handle< cl_mem > &  matrix_dimensions,
block_matrix g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  g_is_update,
bool  is_empty_block,
viennacl::context  ctx 

Performs assembly for new QR block.

g_Jcontainer of column indices
g_Icontainer of row indices
g_J_ucontainer of new column indices
g_I_ucontainer of new row indices
g_I_qcontainer of row indices for new QR blocks
g_A_I_J_u_vclblocks of Q'*A(I, \tilde J)
matrix_dimensionsarray with matrix dimensions for all blocks
g_A_I_u_J_u_vclblocks A(\tilde I, \tilde J)
g_is_updatecontainer with update indicators
is_empty_blockindicator if all previous blocks A(\tilde I, \tilde J) - are empty, in case if they are empty kernel with smaller number of arguments is used
ctxOptional context in which the matrix is created (one out of multiple OpenCL contexts, CUDA, host)

Definition at line 439 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename SizeT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::assemble_qr_row_inds ( std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &  g_J,
std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &  g_I_u,
std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > &  g_I_q 

Assembly of container of index row sets: I_q, row indices for new "QR block".

g_Icontainer of row indices
g_Jcontainer of column indices
g_I_ucontainer of new row indices
g_I_qcontainer of row indices for new QR blocks

Definition at line 406 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::assemble_r ( std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_vcl,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_u_vcl,
block_matrix g_A_I_u_J_u_vcl,
block_vector g_bv_vcl,
block_vector g_bv_vcl_u,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  g_is_update,
viennacl::context  ctx 

Performs assembly for new R matrix on GPU.

g_Icontainer of row indices
g_Jcontainer of column indices
g_A_I_J_vclcontainer of block matrices from previous update
g_A_I_J_u_vclcontainer of block matrices Q'*A(I, \tilde J)
g_A_I_u_J_u_vclcontainer of block matrices QR factored on current iteration
g_bv_vclblock of beta vectors from previous iteration
g_bv_vcl_ublock of updated beta vectors got after recent QR factorization
g_is_updatecontainer with identificators that shows which block should be modified
ctxOptional context in which the auxiliary data is created (one out of multiple OpenCL contexts, CUDA, host)

Definition at line 533 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::backwardSolve ( MatrixT const &  R,
VectorT const &  y,
VectorT &  x 

Solution of linear:R*x=y system by backward substitution.

Ruppertriangular matrix
yright handside vector
xsolution vector

Definition at line 102 of file spai-static.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::block_assembly ( viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &  A,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_J,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_I,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_vcl,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  g_is_update,
bool &  is_empty_block 

Assembly of blocks on GPU by a gived set of row indices: g_I and column indices: g_J.

Aintial sparse matrix
g_Jcontainer of column index set
g_Icontainer of row index set
g_A_I_J_vclcontigious blocks A(I, J) using GPU memory
g_is_updatecontainer with indicators which blocks are active
is_empty_blockparameter that indicates if no block were assembled

Definition at line 507 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::block_q_multiplication ( std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_J_u,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_I,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_vcl,
block_vector g_bv_vcl,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_u_vcl,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  g_is_update,
viennacl::context  ctx 

Performs multiplication Q'*A(I, \tilde J) on GPU.

g_J_ucontainer of sets of new column indices
g_Icontainer of row indices
g_A_I_J_vclblock matrix composed from previous blocks, they are blocks of R
g_bv_vclblock of beta vectors
g_A_I_J_u_vclblock of matrices A(I, \tilde J)
g_is_updateindicators, that show if a certain block should be processed
ctxOptional context in which the auxiliary data is created (one out of multiple OpenCL contexts, CUDA, host)

Definition at line 361 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::block_qr ( std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_vcl,
block_vector g_bv_vcl,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  g_is_update,
viennacl::context  ctx 

Inplace QR factorization via Householder reflections c.f. Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan "Matrix Computations" 3rd edition p.224 performed on GPU.

g_Icontainer of row indices
g_Jcontainer of column indices
g_A_I_J_vclcontigious matrices, GPU memory is used
g_bv_vclcontigiuos vectors beta, GPU memory is used
g_is_updatecontainer of indicators that show active blocks
ctxOptional context in which the auxiliary data is created (one out of multiple OpenCL contexts, CUDA, host)

Definition at line 428 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename DenseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::block_set_up ( SparseMatrixT const &  A,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  M_v,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
std::vector< DenseMatrixT > &  g_A_I_J,
std::vector< VectorT > &  g_b_v 

Setting up blocks and QR factorizing them on CPU.

Ainitial sparse matrix
A_v_ccolumn major vectorized initial sparse matrix
M_vinitialized preconditioner
g_Icontainer of row indices
g_Jcontainer of column indices
g_A_I_Jcontainer of dense matrices -> R matrices after QR factorization
g_b_vcontainer of vectors beta, necessary for Q recovery

Definition at line 181 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV, typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::block_set_up ( viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &  A,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  M_v,
std::vector< cl_uint >  g_is_update,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
block_matrix g_A_I_J,
block_vector g_bv 

Setting up blocks and QR factorizing them on GPU.

Ainitial sparse matrix
A_v_ccolumn major vectorized initial sparse matrix
M_vinitialized preconditioner
g_is_updatecontainer that indicates which blocks are active
g_Icontainer of row indices
g_Jcontainer of column indices
g_A_I_Jcontainer of dense matrices -> R matrices after QR factorization
g_bvcontainer of vectors beta, necessary for Q recovery

Definition at line 240 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT , typename DenseMatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::block_update ( SparseMatrixT const &  A,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  g_res,
std::vector< bool > &  g_is_update,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
std::vector< VectorT > &  g_b_v,
std::vector< DenseMatrixT > &  g_A_I_J,
spai_tag const &  tag 

CPU-based dynamic update for SPAI preconditioner.

Ainitial sparse matrix
A_v_cvectorized column-wise initial matrix
g_rescontainer of residuals for all columns
g_is_updatecontainer with identificators that shows which block should be modified
g_Icontainer of row index sets for all columns
g_Jcontainer of column index sets for all columns
g_b_vcontainer of vectors of beta for Q recovery(cf. Golub Van Loan "Matrix Computations", 3rd edition p.211)
g_A_I_Jcontainer of block matrices from previous update
tagSPAI configuration tag

Definition at line 291 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV, typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::block_update ( viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &  A,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  g_is_update,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  g_res,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_vcl,
block_vector g_bv_vcl,
spai_tag const &  tag 

GPU-based block update.

Asparse matrix
A_v_cvectorized column-wise initial matrix
g_is_updatecontainer with identificators that shows which block should be modified
g_rescontainer of residuals for all columns
g_Jcontainer of column index sets for all columns
g_Icontainer of row index sets for all columns
g_A_I_J_vclcontainer of block matrices from previous update
g_bv_vclblock of beta vectors from previous iteration
tagSPAI configuration tag

Definition at line 625 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::build_index_set ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
SparseVectorT const &  v,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  J,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  I 

Setting up index set of columns and rows for certain column.

A_v_ccolumn major vectorized initial sparse matrix
vcurrent column of preconditioner matrix
Jset of column indices
Iset of row indices

Definition at line 139 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
bool viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::buildAugmentedIndexSet ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
SparseVectorT const &  res,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  J,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  J_u,
spai_tag const &  tag 

Building a new set of column indices J_u, cf. Kallischko dissertation p.31.

A_v_cvectorized column-wise initial matrix
resresidual vector
Jset of column indices
J_uset of new column indices
tagSPAI tag with parameters

Definition at line 188 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::buildColumnIndexSet ( SparseVectorT const &  v,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  J 

Builds index set of projected columns for current column of preconditioner.

vcurrent column of preconditioner
Joutput - index set of non-zero columns

Definition at line 140 of file spai-static.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::buildNewRowSet ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  I,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  J_n,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  I_n 

Building a new indices to current set of row indices I_n, cf. Kallischko dissertation p.32.

A_v_cvectorized column-wise initial matrix
Iset of previous determined row indices
J_nset of new column indices
I_nset of new indices

Definition at line 228 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::cholesky_decompose ( MatrixT &  A)

Definition at line 210 of file fspai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::cholesky_solve ( MatrixT const &  L,
VectorT &  b 

Definition at line 238 of file fspai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::composeNewR ( MatrixT const &  A,
MatrixT const &  R_n,
MatrixT &  R 

Composition of new matrix R, that is going to be used in Least Square problem solving.

Amatrix Q'*A(I, \tilde J), where \tilde J - set of new column indices
R_nmatrix A_Iu_J_u after QR factorization
Rpreviously composed matrix R

Definition at line 94 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::composeNewVector ( VectorT const &  v_n,
VectorT &  v 

Composition of new vector of coefficients beta from QR factorizations(necessary for Q recovery)

v_nnew vector from last QR factorization
vcomposition of previous vectors from QR factorizations

Definition at line 124 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::compute_blocks_size ( std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_J,
unsigned int &  sz,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  blocks_ind,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  matrix_dims 

**************************************** BLOCK FUNCTIONS ************************************//

Computes size of elements, start indices and matrix dimensions for a certain block

g_Icontainer of row indices
g_Jcontainer of column indices
szgeneral size for all elements in a certain block
blocks_indstart indices in a certain
matrix_dimsmatrix dimensions for each block

Definition at line 129 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::compute_spai_residual ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
SparseVectorT const &  v,
unsigned int  ind,
SparseVectorT &  res 

Computation of residual res = A*v - e.

A_v_ccolumn major vectorized input sparse matrix
vsparse vector, in this case new column of preconditioner matrix
indindex for current column

Definition at line 120 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::computeFSPAI ( MatrixT const &  A,
MatrixT const &  PatternA,
MatrixT &  L,
MatrixT &  L_trans,

Definition at line 313 of file fspai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::computeL ( MatrixT const &  A,
MatrixT &  L,
MatrixT &  L_trans,
std::vector< VectorT > &  Y,
std::vector< std::vector< vcl_size_t > > &  J 

Definition at line 266 of file fspai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::computeSPAI ( MatrixT const &  A,
MatrixT &  M,
spai_tag tag 

Construction of SPAI preconditioner on CPU.

Ainitial sparse matrix
Moutput preconditioner
tagspai tag

Definition at line 686 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::computeSPAI ( viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &  A,
boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix< NumericT > const &  cpu_A,
boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix< NumericT > &  cpu_M,
viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > &  M,
spai_tag const &  tag 

Construction of SPAI preconditioner on GPU.

Ainitial sparse matrix
cpu_Acopy of initial matrix on CPU
cpu_Moutput preconditioner on CPU
Moutput preconditioner
tagSPAI tag class with parameters

Definition at line 775 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::copy_vector ( MatrixT const &  A,
VectorT &  v,
unsigned int  beg_ind 

Copying part of matrix column.

Ainit matrix
voutput vector
beg_indstart index for copying

Definition at line 218 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::custom_dot_prod ( MatrixT const &  A,
VectorT const &  v,
unsigned int  ind,
NumericT res 

Dot_prod(column(A, ind), v) starting from index ind+1.

Ainput matrix
vinput vector
resresult value

Definition at line 355 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::custom_fan_out ( std::vector< NumericT > const &  m_in,
unsigned int  start_m_ind,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  J,
SparseVectorT &  m 

Elicitation of sparse vector m for particular column from m_in - contigious vector for all columns.

m_incontigious sparse vector for all columns
start_m_indstart index of particular vector
Jcolumn index set
msparse vector for particular column

Definition at line 271 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::custom_inner_prod ( MatrixT const &  A,
VectorT const &  v,
unsigned int  col_ind,
unsigned int  start_ind,
NumericT res 

Dot prod of particular matrix column with arbitrary vector: A(:, col_ind)

Ainit matrix
vinput vector
col_indstarting column index
start_indstarting index inside column
resresult of dot product

Definition at line 200 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
double viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::determinant ( boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_expression< MatrixT > const &  mat_r)

Definition at line 84 of file small_matrix.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::dot_prod ( MatrixT const &  A,
unsigned int  beg_ind,
NumericT res 

Dot prod of particular column of martix A with it's self starting at a certain index beg_ind.

Ainit matrix
beg_indstarting index
resresult of dot product

Definition at line 182 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename VectorT , typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::fanOutVector ( VectorT const &  m_in,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  J,
SparseVectorT &  m 

Projects solution of LS problem onto original column m.

m_insolution of LS
Jset of non-zero columns
moriginal column of M

Definition at line 88 of file spai-static.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::fill_blocks ( std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, NumericT > > &  A,
std::vector< MatrixT > &  blocks,
std::vector< std::vector< vcl_size_t > > const &  J,
std::vector< VectorT > &  Y 

Definition at line 172 of file fspai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::generateJ ( MatrixT const &  A,
std::vector< std::vector< vcl_size_t > > &  J 

Definition at line 145 of file fspai.hpp.

template<typename SizeT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::get_max_block_size ( std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &  inds,
SizeT &  max_size 

Getting max size of rows/columns from container of index set.

indscontainer of index set
max_sizemax size that corresponds to that container

Definition at line 338 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename SizeT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::get_size ( std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &  inds,
SizeT &  size 

Computes size of particular container of index set.

indscontainer of index sets
sizeoutput size

Definition at line 151 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::householder_vector ( MatrixT const &  A,
unsigned int  j,
VectorT &  v,
NumericT b 

Computation of Householder vector, householder reflection c.f. Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan "Matrix Computations" 3rd edition p.210.

Ainit matrix
jstart index for computations
voutput Householder vector

Definition at line 236 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::index_set_up ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  M_v,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I 

Setting up index set of columns and rows for all columns.

A_v_ccolumn major vectorized initial sparse matrix
M_vinitialized preconditioner
g_Jcontainer of column indices
g_Icontainer of row indices

Definition at line 211 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SizeT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::init_start_inds ( std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &  inds,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  start_inds 

Initializes start indices of particular index set.

indscontainer of index sets
start_indsoutput index set

Definition at line 165 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename SparseMatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::initPreconditioner ( SparseMatrixT const &  A,
SparseMatrixT &  M 

Initialize preconditioner with sparcity pattern = p(A)

Ainput matrix
Moutput matrix - initialized preconditioner

Definition at line 154 of file spai-static.hpp.

template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename DenseMatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::initProjectSubMatrix ( SparseMatrixT const &  A_in,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  J,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  I,
DenseMatrixT &  A_out 

Initializes a dense matrix from a sparse one.

A_inOiginal sparse matrix
JSet of column indices
ISet of row indices
A_outdense matrix output

Definition at line 156 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::insert_sparse_columns ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  M_v,
SparseMatrixT &  M,
bool  is_right 

Insertion of vectorized matrix column into original sparse matrix.

M_vcolumn-major vectorized matrix
Moriginal sparse matrix
is_rightindicates if matrix should be transposed in the output

Definition at line 616 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename VectorType >
bool viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::is_all_update ( VectorType &  parallel_is_update)

Definition at line 443 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SizeT >
bool viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::isInIndexSet ( std::vector< SizeT > const &  J,
SizeT  ind 

Determines if element ind is in set {J}.

Jcurrent set
indcurrent element

Definition at line 72 of file spai-static.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::least_square_solve ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  A_v_c,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  M_v,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
block_matrix g_A_I_J_vcl,
block_vector g_bv_vcl,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  g_res,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  g_is_update,
const spai_tag tag,
viennacl::context  ctx 

Solution of Least square problem on GPU.

A_v_ccolumn-major vectorized initial sparse matrix
M_vcolumn-major vectorized sparse preconditioner matrix
g_Icontainer of row set indices
g_Jcontainer of column set indices
g_A_I_J_vclcontigious matrix that consists of blocks A(I_k, J_k)
g_bv_vclcontigious vector that consists of betas, necessary for Q recovery
g_rescontainer of residuals
g_is_updatecontainer with indicators which blocks are active
tagspai tag
ctxOptional context in which the auxiliary data is created (one out of multiple OpenCL contexts, CUDA, host)

Definition at line 298 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT , typename DenseMatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::least_square_solve ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< DenseMatrixT > &  g_R,
std::vector< VectorT > &  g_b_v,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  g_J,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  g_res,
std::vector< bool > &  g_is_update,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  M_v,
spai_tag const &  tag 

Solution of Least square problem on CPU.

A_v_ccolumn-major vectorized initial sparse matrix
g_Rblocks for least square solution
g_b_vvectors beta, necessary for Q recovery
g_Icontainer of row index set for all columns of matrix M
g_Jcontainer of column index set for all columns of matrix M
g_rescontainer of residuals
g_is_updatecontainer with indicators which blocks are active
M_vcolumn-major vectorized sparse matrix, final preconditioner
tagspai tag

Definition at line 398 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::make_rotation_matrix ( MatrixT &  mat,
vcl_size_t  new_size,
vcl_size_t  off_diagonal_distance = 4 

Definition at line 61 of file small_matrix.hpp.

template<typename T , typename InputIteratorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::Print ( std::ostream &  ostr,
InputIteratorT  it_begin,
InputIteratorT  it_end 

Definition at line 63 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::print_continious_matrix ( VectorT &  con_A_I_J,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  blocks_ind,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_I,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_J 

Definition at line 85 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::print_continious_vector ( VectorT &  con_v,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  block_ind,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > const &  g_J 

Definition at line 101 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename DenseMatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::print_matrix ( DenseMatrixT &  m)

Definition at line 88 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::print_sparse_vector ( SparseVectorT const &  v)

Definition at line 81 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename VectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::projectI ( std::vector< unsigned int > const &  I,
VectorT &  y,
unsigned int  ind 

Perform projection of set I on the unit-vector.

Iset of non-zero rows
yresult vector
indindex of unit vector

Definition at line 122 of file spai-static.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::projectRows ( std::vector< SparseVectorT > const &  A_v_c,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  J,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  I 

Row projection for matrix A(:,J) -> A(I,J), building index set of non-zero rows.

A_v_cinput matrix
Jset of non-zero rows
Ioutput matrix

Definition at line 171 of file spai-static.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::QRBlockComposition ( MatrixT const &  A_I_J,
MatrixT const &  A_I_J_u,
MatrixT &  A_I_u_J_u 

Composition of new block for QR factorization cf. Kallischko dissertation p.82, figure 4.7.

A_I_Jpreviously composed block
A_I_J_umatrix Q'*A(I, \tilde J), where \tilde J - set of new column indices
A_I_u_J_uis composition of lower part A(I, \tilde J) and A(\tilde I, \tilde J) - new block for QR decomposition

Definition at line 250 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::single_qr ( MatrixT &  R,
VectorT &  b_v 

Inplace QR factorization via Householder reflections c.f. Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan "Matrix Computations" 3rd edition p.224.

Rinput matrix
b_vvector of betas

Definition at line 311 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::sparse_inner_prod ( SparseVectorT const &  v1,
SparseVectorT const &  v2,
NumericT res_v 

Dot product of two sparse vectors.

v1initial sparse vector
v2initial sparse vector
res_vscalar that represents dot product result

Definition at line 157 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename SparseVectorT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::sparse_norm_2 ( SparseVectorT const &  v,
NumericT norm 

Computation of Euclidean norm for sparse vector.

vinitial sparse vector
normscalar that represents Euclidean norm

Definition at line 141 of file spai-dynamic.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::sparse_transpose ( MatrixT const &  A_in,
MatrixT &  A 

Transposition of sparse matrix.

A_inintial sparse matrix
Aoutput transposed matrix

Definition at line 640 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename VectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::store_householder_vector ( MatrixT &  A,
unsigned int  ind,
VectorT &  v 

Storage of vector v in column(A, ind), starting from ind-1 index of a column.

Ainit matrix
indindex of a column
vvector that should be stored

Definition at line 295 of file qr.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT , typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::sym_sparse_matrix_to_stl ( MatrixT const &  A,
std::vector< std::map< unsigned int, NumericT > > &  STL_A 

Definition at line 121 of file fspai.hpp.

template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::vectorize_column_matrix ( SparseMatrixT const &  M_in,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  M_v 

Solution of Least square problem on CPU.

M_ininput sparse, boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix
M_varray of sparse vectors

Definition at line 462 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SparseMatrixT , typename SparseVectorT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::vectorize_row_matrix ( SparseMatrixT const &  M_in,
std::vector< SparseVectorT > &  M_v 

Definition at line 472 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename SizeT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::write_set_to_array ( std::vector< std::vector< SizeT > > const &  ind_set,
std::vector< cl_uint > &  a 

Definition at line 484 of file spai.hpp.

template<typename VectorT , typename MatrixT >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::spai::write_to_block ( VectorT &  con_A_I_J,
unsigned int  start_ind,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  I,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  J,
MatrixT &  m 

Definition at line 72 of file qr.hpp.