ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
linalg Directory Reference


directory  cuda
directory  detail
directory  host_based
directory  opencl


file  amg.hpp [code]
 Main include file for algebraic multigrid (AMG) preconditioners. Experimental.
file  amg_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations for algebraic multigrid.
file  bicgstab.hpp [code]
 The stabilized bi-conjugate gradient method is implemented here.
file  bisect.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the algorithm for finding eigenvalues of a tridiagonal matrix.
file  bisect_gpu.hpp [code]
 Implementation of an bisection algorithm for eigenvalues.
file  cg.hpp [code]
 The conjugate gradient method is implemented here.
file  circulant_matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations using circulant_matrix. Experimental.
file  direct_solve.hpp [code]
 Implementations of dense direct solvers are found here.
file  eig.hpp [code]
 Convenience header file including all available eigenvalue algorithms.
file  fft_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of Fast Furier Transformation.
file  gmres.hpp [code]
 Implementations of the generalized minimum residual method are in this file.
file  hankel_matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations using hankel_matrix. Experimental.
file  ichol.hpp [code]
 Implementations of incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioners with static nonzero pattern.
file  ilu.hpp [code]
 Implementations of incomplete factorization preconditioners. Convenience header file.
file  ilu_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of specialized routines for the Chow-Patel parallel ILU preconditioner.
file  inner_prod.hpp [code]
 Generic interface for the computation of inner products. See viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp for implementations.
file  iterative_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of specialized routines for the iterative solvers.
file  jacobi_precond.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a simple Jacobi preconditioner.
file  lanczos.hpp [code]
 Generic interface for the Lanczos algorithm.
file  lu.hpp [code]
 Implementations of LU factorization for row-major and column-major dense matrices.
file  matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of dense matrix related operations including matrix-vector products.
file  maxmin.hpp [code]
file  misc_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of miscellaneous operations.
file  mixed_precision_cg.hpp [code]
 The conjugate gradient method using mixed precision is implemented here. Experimental.
file  nmf.hpp [code]
 Provides a nonnegative matrix factorization implementation. Experimental.
file  norm_1.hpp [code]
 Generic interface for the l^1-norm. See viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp for implementations.
file  norm_2.hpp [code]
 Generic interface for the l^2-norm. See viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp for implementations.
file  norm_frobenius.hpp [code]
 Generic interface for the Frobenius norm.
file  norm_inf.hpp [code]
 Generic interface for the l^infty-norm. See viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp for implementations.
file  power_iter.hpp [code]
 Defines a tag for the configuration of the power iteration method.
file  prod.hpp [code]
 Generic interface for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. See viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp, viennacl/linalg/matrix_operations.hpp, and viennacl/linalg/sparse_matrix_operations.hpp for implementations.
file  qr-method-common.hpp [code]
 Common routines used for the QR method and SVD. Experimental.
file  qr-method.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the QR method for eigenvalue computations. Experimental.
file  qr.hpp [code]
 Provides a QR factorization using a block-based approach.
file  row_scaling.hpp [code]
 A row normalization preconditioner is implemented here.
file  scalar_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of scalar operations.
file  spai.hpp [code]
 Main include file for the sparse approximate inverse preconditioner family (SPAI and FSPAI). Experimental.
file  sparse_matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations using sparse matrices.
file  sum.hpp [code]
 Stub routines for the summation of elements in a vector, or all elements in either a row or column of a dense matrix.
file  svd.hpp [code]
 Provides singular value decomposition using a block-based approach. Experimental.
file  toeplitz_matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations using toeplitz_matrix. Experimental.
file  tql2.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the tql2-algorithm for eigenvalue computations.
file  vandermonde_matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations using vandermonde_matrix. Experimental.
file  vector_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of vector operations.