ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 /* =========================================================================
5  Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Institute for Microelectronics,
6  Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
7  TU Wien.
8  Portions of this software are copyright by UChicago Argonne, LLC.
10  -----------------
11  ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
12  -----------------
14  Project Head: Karl Rupp
16  (A list of authors and contributors can be found in the manual)
18  License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
19 ============================================================================= */
25 #include "viennacl/forwards.h"
26 #include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
27 #include "viennacl/ocl/backend.hpp"
29 #include "viennacl/fft.hpp"
34 namespace viennacl
35 {
42 template<class NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV>
43 class toeplitz_matrix
44 {
45 public:
53  explicit toeplitz_matrix() {}
60  explicit toeplitz_matrix(vcl_size_t rows, vcl_size_t cols) : elements_(rows * 2)
61  {
62  assert(rows == cols && bool("Toeplitz matrix must be square!"));
63  (void)cols; // avoid 'unused parameter' warning in optimized builds
64  }
73  void resize(vcl_size_t sz, bool preserve = true)
74  {
75  elements_.resize(sz * 2, preserve);
76  }
82  handle_type const & handle() const { return elements_.handle(); }
89  viennacl::vector<NumericT, AlignmentV> const & elements() const { return elements_; }
95  vcl_size_t size1() const { return elements_.size() / 2; }
100  vcl_size_t size2() const { return elements_.size() / 2; }
107  vcl_size_t internal_size() const { return elements_.internal_size(); }
118  {
119  assert(row_index < size1() && col_index < size2() && bool("Invalid access"));
121  long index = static_cast<long>(col_index) - static_cast<long>(row_index);
123  if (index < 0)
124  index = -index;
125  else if
126  (index > 0) index = 2 * static_cast<long>(size1()) - index;
127  return elements_[vcl_size_t(index)];
128  }
138  {
139  elements_ += that.elements();
140  return *this;
141  }
143 private:
144  toeplitz_matrix(toeplitz_matrix const &) {}
145  toeplitz_matrix & operator=(toeplitz_matrix const & t);
149 };
157 template<typename NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV>
158 void copy(std::vector<NumericT> const & cpu_vec, toeplitz_matrix<NumericT, AlignmentV>& gpu_mat)
159 {
160  assert( (gpu_mat.size1() == 0 || (gpu_mat.size1() * 2 - 1) == cpu_vec.size()) && bool("Size mismatch"));
162  vcl_size_t size = gpu_mat.size1();
163  std::vector<NumericT> rvrs(cpu_vec.size());
164  std::copy(cpu_vec.begin(), cpu_vec.end(), rvrs.begin());
165  std::reverse(rvrs.begin(), rvrs.end());
167  std::vector<NumericT> tmp(size * 2);
168  typedef typename std::vector<NumericT>::difference_type difference_type;
169  std::copy(rvrs.begin() + difference_type(size) - 1, rvrs.end(), tmp.begin());
170  std::copy(rvrs.begin(), rvrs.begin() + difference_type(size) - 1, tmp.begin() + difference_type(size) + 1);
171  tmp[size] = 0.0;
172  copy(tmp, gpu_mat.elements());
173 }
181 template<typename NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV>
182 void copy(toeplitz_matrix<NumericT, AlignmentV> const & gpu_mat, std::vector<NumericT> & cpu_vec)
183 {
184  assert((gpu_mat.size1() * 2 - 1) == cpu_vec.size() && bool("Size mismatch"));
186  vcl_size_t size = gpu_mat.size1();
187  std::vector<NumericT> tmp(size * 2);
188  copy(gpu_mat.elements(), tmp);
189  std::reverse(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
191  typedef typename std::vector<NumericT>::difference_type difference_type;
192  std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.begin() + difference_type(size) - 1, cpu_vec.begin() + difference_type(size));
193  std::copy(tmp.begin() + difference_type(size), tmp.end(), cpu_vec.begin());
195 }
203 template<typename NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV, typename MatrixT>
204 void copy(toeplitz_matrix<NumericT, AlignmentV> const & tep_src, MatrixT & com_dst)
205 {
206  assert(tep_src.size1() == viennacl::traits::size1(com_dst) && bool("Size mismatch"));
207  assert(tep_src.size2() == viennacl::traits::size2(com_dst) && bool("Size mismatch"));
209  vcl_size_t size = tep_src.size1();
210  std::vector<NumericT> tmp(tep_src.size1() * 2 - 1);
211  copy(tep_src, tmp);
213  for (vcl_size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
214  for (vcl_size_t j = 0; j < size; j++)
215  com_dst(i, j) = tmp[static_cast<vcl_size_t>(static_cast<int>(j) - static_cast<int>(i) + static_cast<int>(size) - 1)];
216 }
224 template<typename NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV, typename MatrixT>
225 void copy(MatrixT const & com_src, toeplitz_matrix<NumericT, AlignmentV>& tep_dst)
226 {
227  assert( (tep_dst.size1() == 0 || tep_dst.size1() == viennacl::traits::size1(com_src)) && bool("Size mismatch"));
228  assert( (tep_dst.size2() == 0 || tep_dst.size2() == viennacl::traits::size2(com_src)) && bool("Size mismatch"));
230  vcl_size_t size = tep_dst.size1();
232  std::vector<NumericT> tmp(2*size - 1);
234  for (long i = static_cast<long>(size) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
235  tmp[size - static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i) - 1] = com_src(static_cast<vcl_size_t>(i), 0);
237  for (vcl_size_t i = 1; i < size; i++)
238  tmp[size + i - 1] = com_src(0, i);
240  copy(tmp, tep_dst);
241 }
243 /*template<typename NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV, unsigned int VECTOR_AlignmentV>
244  void prod_impl(toeplitz_matrix<NumericT, AlignmentV>& mat,
245  vector<NumericT, VECTOR_AlignmentV>& vec,
246  vector<NumericT, VECTOR_AlignmentV>& result) {
247  viennacl::vector<NumericT, VECTOR_AlignmentV> tep(mat.elements().size() * 2);
248  fft::real_to_complex(mat.elements(), tep, mat.elements().size());
250  viennacl::vector<NumericT, VECTOR_AlignmentV> tmp(vec.size() * 4);
251  viennacl::vector<NumericT, VECTOR_AlignmentV> tmp2(vec.size() * 4);
253  tmp.clear();
254  copy(vec, tmp);
255  fft::real_to_complex(tmp, tmp2, vec.size() * 2);
256  fft::convolve(tep, tmp2, tmp);
257  fft::complex_to_real(tmp, tmp2, vec.size() * 2);
258  copy(tmp2.begin(), tmp2.begin() + vec.size(), result.begin());
259  }*/
266 template<class NumericT, unsigned int AlignmentV>
267 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & s, toeplitz_matrix<NumericT, AlignmentV>& gpu_matrix)
268 {
269  vcl_size_t size = gpu_matrix.size1();
270  std::vector<NumericT> tmp(2*size - 1);
271  copy(gpu_matrix, tmp);
272  s << "[" << size << "," << size << "](";
274  for (vcl_size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
275  {
276  s << "(";
277  for (vcl_size_t j = 0; j < size; j++)
278  {
279  s << tmp[vcl_size_t(static_cast<int>(j) - static_cast<int>(i) + static_cast<int>(size - 1))];
280  //s << (int)i - (int)j;
281  if (j < (size - 1)) s << ",";
282  }
283  s << ")";
284  }
285  s << ")";
286  return s;
287 }
289 //
290 // Specify available operations:
291 //
295 namespace linalg
296 {
297 namespace detail
298 {
299  // x = A * y
300  template<typename T, unsigned int A>
301  struct op_executor<vector_base<T>, op_assign, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_base<T>, op_prod> >
302  {
303  static void apply(vector_base<T> & lhs, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_base<T>, op_prod> const & rhs)
304  {
305  // check for the special case x = A * x
306  if (viennacl::traits::handle(lhs) == viennacl::traits::handle(rhs.rhs()))
307  {
308  viennacl::vector<T> temp(lhs);
309  viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(rhs.lhs(), rhs.rhs(), temp);
310  lhs = temp;
311  }
312  else
313  viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(rhs.lhs(), rhs.rhs(), lhs);
314  }
315  };
317  template<typename T, unsigned int A>
318  struct op_executor<vector_base<T>, op_inplace_add, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_base<T>, op_prod> >
319  {
320  static void apply(vector_base<T> & lhs, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_base<T>, op_prod> const & rhs)
321  {
322  viennacl::vector<T> temp(lhs);
323  viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(rhs.lhs(), rhs.rhs(), temp);
324  lhs += temp;
325  }
326  };
328  template<typename T, unsigned int A>
329  struct op_executor<vector_base<T>, op_inplace_sub, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_base<T>, op_prod> >
330  {
331  static void apply(vector_base<T> & lhs, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_base<T>, op_prod> const & rhs)
332  {
333  viennacl::vector<T> temp(lhs);
334  viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(rhs.lhs(), rhs.rhs(), temp);
335  lhs -= temp;
336  }
337  };
340  // x = A * vec_op
341  template<typename T, unsigned int A, typename LHS, typename RHS, typename OP>
342  struct op_executor<vector_base<T>, op_assign, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_expression<const LHS, const RHS, OP>, op_prod> >
343  {
344  static void apply(vector_base<T> & lhs, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_expression<const LHS, const RHS, OP>, op_prod> const & rhs)
345  {
346  viennacl::vector<T> temp(rhs.rhs());
347  viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(rhs.lhs(), temp, lhs);
348  }
349  };
351  // x = A * vec_op
352  template<typename T, unsigned int A, typename LHS, typename RHS, typename OP>
353  struct op_executor<vector_base<T>, op_inplace_add, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, vector_expression<const LHS, const RHS, OP>, op_prod> >
354  {
355  static void apply(vector_base<T> & lhs, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, vector_expression<const LHS, const RHS, OP>, op_prod> const & rhs)
356  {
357  viennacl::vector<T> temp(rhs.rhs());
358  viennacl::vector<T> temp_result(lhs);
359  viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(rhs.lhs(), temp, temp_result);
360  lhs += temp_result;
361  }
362  };
364  // x = A * vec_op
365  template<typename T, unsigned int A, typename LHS, typename RHS, typename OP>
366  struct op_executor<vector_base<T>, op_inplace_sub, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_expression<const LHS, const RHS, OP>, op_prod> >
367  {
368  static void apply(vector_base<T> & lhs, vector_expression<const toeplitz_matrix<T, A>, const vector_expression<const LHS, const RHS, OP>, op_prod> const & rhs)
369  {
370  viennacl::vector<T> temp(rhs.rhs());
371  viennacl::vector<T> temp_result(lhs);
372  viennacl::linalg::prod_impl(rhs.lhs(), temp, temp_result);
373  lhs -= temp_result;
374  }
375  };
377 } // namespace detail
378 } // namespace linalg
382 }
This class represents a single scalar value on the GPU and behaves mostly like a built-in scalar type...
Definition: forwards.h:227
Implementations of operations using toeplitz_matrix. Experimental.
handle_type const & handle() const
Returns the OpenCL handle.
vcl_size_t size1(MatrixType const &mat)
Generic routine for obtaining the number of rows of a matrix (ViennaCL, uBLAS, etc.)
Definition: size.hpp:163
This file provides the forward declarations for the main types used within ViennaCL.
result_of::size_type< MatrixType >::type size2(MatrixType const &mat)
Generic routine for obtaining the number of columns of a matrix (ViennaCL, uBLAS, etc...
Definition: size.hpp:201
vcl_size_t internal_size() const
Returns the internal size of matrix representtion. Usually required for launching OpenCL kernels only...
toeplitz_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > & operator+=(toeplitz_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > &that)
+= operation for Toeplitz matrices
The default constructor. Does not allocate any memory.
Main namespace in ViennaCL. Holds all the basic types such as vector, matrix, etc. and defines operations upon them.
Definition: cpu_ram.hpp:34
void resize(vcl_size_t sz, bool preserve=true)
Resizes the matrix. Existing entries can be preserved.
vcl_size_t size(VectorType const &vec)
Generic routine for obtaining the size of a vector (ViennaCL, uBLAS, etc.)
Definition: size.hpp:235
Definition: blas3.hpp:36
vcl_size_t size1() const
Returns the number of rows of the matrix.
viennacl::backend::mem_handle handle_type
scalar< typename viennacl::tools::CHECK_SCALAR_TEMPLATE_ARGUMENT< NumericT >::ResultType > value_type
vcl_size_t size2() const
Returns the number of columns of the matrix.
std::size_t vcl_size_t
Definition: forwards.h:75
Implementations of the OpenCL backend, where all contexts are stored in.
void copy(MatrixT const &com_src, toeplitz_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > &tep_dst)
Copies a the matrix-like object to the Toeplitz matrix from the OpenCL device (either GPU or multi-co...
The vector type with operator-overloads and proxy classes is defined here. Linear algebra operations ...
void copy(std::vector< NumericT > &cpu_vec, circulant_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > &gpu_mat)
Copies a circulant matrix from the std::vector to the OpenCL device (either GPU or multi-core CPU) ...
viennacl::vector< NumericT, AlignmentV > & elements()
Returns an internal viennacl::vector, which represents a Toeplitz matrix elements.
viennacl::vector< NumericT, AlignmentV > const & elements() const
entry_proxy< NumericT > operator()(vcl_size_t row_index, vcl_size_t col_index)
Read-write access to a single element of the matrix.
All routines related to the Fast Fourier Transform. Experimental.
A Toeplitz matrix class.
Definition: forwards.h:415
Main abstraction class for multiple memory domains. Represents a buffer in either main RAM...
Definition: mem_handle.hpp:89
void reverse(viennacl::vector_base< NumericT > &in)
Reverse vector to oposite order and save it in input vector.
void prod_impl(const matrix_base< NumericT > &mat, const vector_base< NumericT > &vec, vector_base< NumericT > &result)
Carries out matrix-vector multiplication.
viennacl::backend::mem_handle & handle(T &obj)
Returns the generic memory handle of an object. Non-const version.
Definition: handle.hpp:41
toeplitz_matrix(vcl_size_t rows, vcl_size_t cols)
Creates the matrix with the given size.
A proxy class for a single element of a vector or matrix. This proxy should not be noticed by end-use...
Definition: forwards.h:233