ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
forwards.h File Reference

This file provides the forward declarations for the main types used within ViennaCL. More...

#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "viennacl/meta/enable_if.hpp"
#include "viennacl/version.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  viennacl::op_assign
 A tag class representing assignment. More...
struct  viennacl::op_inplace_add
 A tag class representing inplace addition. More...
struct  viennacl::op_inplace_sub
 A tag class representing inplace subtraction. More...
struct  viennacl::op_add
 A tag class representing addition. More...
struct  viennacl::op_sub
 A tag class representing subtraction. More...
struct  viennacl::op_mult
 A tag class representing multiplication by a scalar. More...
struct  viennacl::op_prod
 A tag class representing matrix-vector products and element-wise multiplications. More...
struct  viennacl::op_mat_mat_prod
 A tag class representing matrix-matrix products. More...
struct  viennacl::op_div
 A tag class representing division. More...
struct  viennacl::op_pow
 A tag class representing the power function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_eq
 A tag class representing equality. More...
struct  viennacl::op_neq
 A tag class representing inequality. More...
struct  viennacl::op_greater
 A tag class representing greater-than. More...
struct  viennacl::op_less
 A tag class representing less-than. More...
struct  viennacl::op_geq
 A tag class representing greater-than-or-equal-to. More...
struct  viennacl::op_leq
 A tag class representing less-than-or-equal-to. More...
struct  viennacl::op_sum
 A tag class representing the summation of a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_row_sum
 A tag class representing the summation of all rows of a matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::op_col_sum
 A tag class representing the summation of all columns of a matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::op_element_cast< OP >
 A tag class representing element-wise casting operations on vectors and matrices. More...
struct  viennacl::op_element_binary< OP >
 A tag class representing element-wise binary operations (like multiplication) on vectors or matrices. More...
struct  viennacl::op_element_unary< OP >
 A tag class representing element-wise unary operations (like sin()) on vectors or matrices. More...
struct  viennacl::op_abs
 A tag class representing the modulus function for integers. More...
struct  viennacl::op_acos
 A tag class representing the acos() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_asin
 A tag class representing the asin() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_argmax
 A tag class for representing the argmax() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_argmin
 A tag class for representing the argmin() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_atan
 A tag class representing the atan() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_atan2
 A tag class representing the atan2() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_ceil
 A tag class representing the ceil() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_cos
 A tag class representing the cos() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_cosh
 A tag class representing the cosh() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_exp
 A tag class representing the exp() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_fabs
 A tag class representing the fabs() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_fdim
 A tag class representing the fdim() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_floor
 A tag class representing the floor() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_fmax
 A tag class representing the fmax() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_fmin
 A tag class representing the fmin() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_fmod
 A tag class representing the fmod() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_log
 A tag class representing the log() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_log10
 A tag class representing the log10() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_sin
 A tag class representing the sin() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_sinh
 A tag class representing the sinh() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_sqrt
 A tag class representing the sqrt() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_tan
 A tag class representing the tan() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_tanh
 A tag class representing the tanh() function. More...
struct  viennacl::op_matrix_diag
 A tag class representing the (off-)diagonal of a matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::op_vector_diag
 A tag class representing a matrix given by a vector placed on a certain (off-)diagonal. More...
struct  viennacl::op_row
 A tag class representing the extraction of a matrix row to a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_column
 A tag class representing the extraction of a matrix column to a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_inner_prod
 A tag class representing inner products of two vectors. More...
struct  viennacl::op_norm_1
 A tag class representing the 1-norm of a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_norm_2
 A tag class representing the 2-norm of a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_norm_inf
 A tag class representing the inf-norm of a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_max
 A tag class representing the maximum of a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_min
 A tag class representing the minimum of a vector. More...
struct  viennacl::op_norm_frobenius
 A tag class representing the Frobenius-norm of a matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::op_trans
 A tag class representing transposed matrices. More...
struct  viennacl::op_flip_sign
 A tag class representing sign flips (for scalars only. Vectors and matrices use the standard multiplication by the scalar -1.0) More...
class  viennacl::scalar< NumericT >
 This class represents a single scalar value on the GPU and behaves mostly like a built-in scalar type like float or double. More...
class  viennacl::scalar_expression< LHS, RHS, OP >
 A proxy for scalar expressions (e.g. from inner vector products) More...
class  viennacl::entry_proxy< NumericT >
 A proxy class for a single element of a vector or matrix. This proxy should not be noticed by end-users of the library. More...
class  viennacl::const_entry_proxy< NumericT >
 A proxy class for a single element of a vector or matrix. This proxy should not be noticed by end-users of the library. More...
class  viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP >
 An expression template class that represents a binary operation that yields a vector. More...
class  viennacl::vector_iterator< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A STL-type iterator for vector elements. Elements can be accessed and manipulated. VERY SLOW!! More...
class  viennacl::const_vector_iterator< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A STL-type const-iterator for vector elements. Elements can be accessed, but cannot be manipulated. VERY SLOW!! More...
class  viennacl::implicit_vector_base< NumericT >
 Common base class for representing vectors where the entries are not all stored explicitly. More...
struct  viennacl::zero_vector< NumericT >
struct  viennacl::unit_vector< NumericT >
 Represents a vector consisting of 1 at a given index and zeros otherwise. More...
struct  viennacl::one_vector< SCALARTYPE >
struct  viennacl::scalar_vector< NumericT >
 Represents a vector consisting of scalars 's' only, i.e. v[i] = s for all i. To be used as an initializer for viennacl::vector, vector_range, or vector_slize only. More...
class  viennacl::vector_base< NumericT, SizeT, DistanceT >
 Common base class for dense vectors, vector ranges, and vector slices. More...
class  viennacl::vector< NumericT, AlignmentV >
class  viennacl::vector_tuple< ScalarT >
 Tuple class holding pointers to multiple vectors. Mainly used as a temporary object returned from viennacl::tie(). More...
struct  viennacl::row_major_tag
 Tag class for indicating row-major layout of a matrix. Not passed to the matrix directly, see row_major type. More...
struct  viennacl::column_major_tag
 Tag class for indicating column-major layout of a matrix. Not passed to the matrix directly, see row_major type. More...
struct  viennacl::row_major
 A tag for row-major storage of a dense matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::column_major
 A tag for column-major storage of a dense matrix. More...
class  viennacl::matrix_expression< LHS, RHS, OP >
 Expression template class for representing a tree of expressions which ultimately result in a matrix. More...
class  viennacl::matrix_iterator< ROWCOL, MatrixT >
 A dense matrix class. More...
class  viennacl::matrix_base< NumericT, SizeT, DistanceT >
class  viennacl::matrix< NumericT, F, AlignmentV >
 A dense matrix class. More...
class  viennacl::implicit_matrix_base< NumericT >
 Base class for representing matrices where the individual entries are not all stored explicitly, e.g. identity_matrix<> More...
class  viennacl::identity_matrix< NumericT >
 Represents a vector consisting of 1 at a given index and zeros otherwise. To be used as an initializer for viennacl::vector, vector_range, or vector_slize only. More...
class  viennacl::zero_matrix< NumericT >
 Represents a vector consisting of zeros only. To be used as an initializer for viennacl::vector, vector_range, or vector_slize only. More...
class  viennacl::scalar_matrix< NumericT >
 Represents a vector consisting of scalars 's' only, i.e. v[i] = s for all i. To be used as an initializer for viennacl::vector, vector_range, or vector_slize only. More...
class  viennacl::compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A sparse square matrix in compressed sparse rows format. More...
class  viennacl::compressed_compressed_matrix< NumericT >
 A sparse square matrix in compressed sparse rows format optimized for the case that only a few rows carry nonzero entries. More...
class  viennacl::coordinate_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A sparse square matrix, where entries are stored as triplets (i,j, val), where i and j are the row and column indices and val denotes the entry. More...
class  viennacl::ell_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 Sparse matrix class using the ELLPACK format for storing the nonzeros. More...
class  viennacl::sliced_ell_matrix< ScalarT, IndexT >
 Sparse matrix class using the sliced ELLPACK with parameters C, $ \sigma $. More...
class  viennacl::hyb_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 Sparse matrix class using a hybrid format composed of the ELL and CSR format for storing the nonzeros. More...
class  viennacl::circulant_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A Circulant matrix class. More...
class  viennacl::hankel_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A Hankel matrix class. More...
class  viennacl::toeplitz_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A Toeplitz matrix class. More...
class  viennacl::vandermonde_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >
 A Vandermonde matrix class. More...
class  viennacl::basic_range< SizeT, DistanceT >
 A range class that refers to an interval [start, stop), where 'start' is included, and 'stop' is excluded. More...
class  viennacl::basic_slice< SizeT, DistanceT >
 A slice class that refers to an interval [start, stop), where 'start' is included, and 'stop' is excluded. More...
class  viennacl::vector_range< VectorType >
 Class for representing non-strided subvectors of a bigger vector x. More...
class  viennacl::vector_slice< VectorType >
 Class for representing strided subvectors of a bigger vector x. More...
class  viennacl::matrix_range< MatrixType >
 Class for representing non-strided submatrices of a bigger matrix A. More...
class  viennacl::matrix_slice< MatrixType >
 Class for representing strided submatrices of a bigger matrix A. More...
struct  viennacl::is_cpu_scalar< T >
 Helper struct for checking whether a type is a host scalar type (e.g. float, double) More...
struct  viennacl::is_scalar< T >
 Helper struct for checking whether a type is a viennacl::scalar<> More...
struct  viennacl::is_flip_sign_scalar< T >
 Helper struct for checking whether a type represents a sign flip on a viennacl::scalar<> More...
struct  viennacl::is_any_scalar< T >
 Helper struct for checking whether the provided type represents a scalar (either host, from ViennaCL, or a flip-sign proxy) More...
struct  viennacl::is_any_vector< T >
 Checks for a type being either vector_base or implicit_vector_base. More...
struct  viennacl::is_any_dense_matrix< T >
 Checks for either matrix_base or implicit_matrix_base. More...
struct  viennacl::is_row_major< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix has a row-major layout. More...
struct  viennacl::is_compressed_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a compressed_matrix (CSR format) More...
struct  viennacl::is_coordinate_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a coordinate_matrix (COO format) More...
struct  viennacl::is_ell_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is an ell_matrix (ELL format) More...
struct  viennacl::is_sliced_ell_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a sliced_ell_matrix (SELL-C- $ \sigma $ format) More...
struct  viennacl::is_hyb_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a hyb_matrix (hybrid format: ELL plus CSR) More...
struct  viennacl::is_any_sparse_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether the provided type is one of the sparse matrix types (compressed_matrix, coordinate_matrix, etc.) More...
struct  viennacl::is_circulant_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a circulant matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::is_hankel_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a Hankel matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::is_toeplitz_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a Toeplitz matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::is_vandermonde_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether a matrix is a Vandermonde matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::is_any_dense_structured_matrix< T >
 Helper class for checking whether the provided type is any of the dense structured matrix types (circulant, Hankel, etc.) More...
class  viennacl::memory_exception
 Exception class in case of memory errors. More...
class  viennacl::cuda_not_available_exception
class  viennacl::zero_on_diagonal_exception
class  viennacl::unknown_norm_exception
 Helper class for incrementing an iterator in a dense matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::linalg::lower_tag
 A tag class representing a lower triangular matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::linalg::upper_tag
 A tag class representing an upper triangular matrix. More...
struct  viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag
 A tag class representing a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal. More...
struct  viennacl::linalg::unit_upper_tag
 A tag class representing an upper triangular matrix with unit diagonal. More...
class  viennacl::linalg::no_precond
 A tag class representing the use of no preconditioner. More...


 Main namespace in ViennaCL. Holds all the basic types such as vector, matrix, etc. and defines operations upon them.
 Namespace providing routines for handling the different memory domains.
 Namespace for various tools used within ViennaCL.
 Provides all linear algebra operations which are not covered by operator overloads.
 Namespace holding implementation details for linear algebra routines. Usually not of interest for a library user.
 Provides implementations for handling memory buffers in CPU RAM.
 Holds implementation details for handling memory buffers in CPU RAM. Not intended for direct use by library users.
 Provides implementations for handling CUDA memory buffers.
 Holds implementation details for handling CUDA memory buffers. Not intended for direct use by library users.
 Implementation details for the generic memory backend interface.
 Provides implementations for handling OpenCL memory buffers.
 Holds implementation details for handling OpenCL memory buffers. Not intended for direct use by library users.
 Holds implementation details for functionality in the main viennacl-namespace. Not intended for direct use by library users.
 Helper namespace for fast Fourier transforms. Not to be used directly by library users.
 Helper namespace for fast-Fourier transformation. Deprecated.
 Provides an OpenCL kernel generator.
 Provides the implementation for tuning the kernels for a particular device.
 Contains implementation details of the kernel generator.
 Namespace holding the various device-specific parameters for generating the best kernels.
 Contains various helper routines for kernel generation.
 Provides basic input-output functionality.
 Implementation details for IO functionality. Usually not of interest for a library user.
 Namespace holding the various XML tag definitions for the kernel parameter tuning facility.
 Namespace holding the various XML strings for the kernel parameter tuning facility.
 Holds all CUDA compute kernels used by ViennaCL.
 Helper functions for the CUDA linear algebra backend.
 Implementation namespace for algebraic multigrid preconditioner.
 Implementation namespace for sparse approximate inverse preconditioner.
 Holds all compute kernels with conventional host-based execution (buffers in CPU RAM).
 Helper functions for the host-based linear algebra backend.
 Namespace containing the OpenCL kernels. Deprecated, will be moved to viennacl::linalg::opencl in future releases.
 Holds all routines providing OpenCL linear algebra operations.
 Helper functions for OpenCL-accelerated linear algebra operations.
 Contains the OpenCL kernel generation functions for a predefined set of functionality.
 Implementation details for the predefined OpenCL kernels.
 OpenCL backend. Manages platforms, contexts, buffers, kernels, etc.
 Namespace containing many meta-functions.
 Contains implementation details for the tools. Usually not of interest for the library user.
 Namespace providing traits-information as well as generic wrappers to common routines for vectors and matrices such as size() or clear()
 Contains the scheduling functionality which allows for dynamic kernel generation as well as the fusion of multiple statements into a single kernel.
 Implementation details for the scheduler.
 Helper metafunctions used for the scheduler.


typedef std::size_t viennacl::vcl_size_t
typedef std::ptrdiff_t viennacl::vcl_ptrdiff_t
typedef basic_range viennacl::range
typedef basic_slice viennacl::slice


enum  viennacl::memory_types { viennacl::MEMORY_NOT_INITIALIZED, viennacl::MAIN_MEMORY, viennacl::OPENCL_MEMORY, viennacl::CUDA_MEMORY }
enum  viennacl::linalg::detail::row_info_types { viennacl::linalg::detail::SPARSE_ROW_NORM_INF = 0, viennacl::linalg::detail::SPARSE_ROW_NORM_1, viennacl::linalg::detail::SPARSE_ROW_NORM_2, viennacl::linalg::detail::SPARSE_ROW_DIAGONAL }


template<typename SCALARTYPE , unsigned int ALIGNMENT, typename CPU_ITERATOR >
void viennacl::copy (CPU_ITERATOR const &cpu_begin, CPU_ITERATOR const &cpu_end, vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > gpu_begin)
template<typename SCALARTYPE , unsigned int ALIGNMENT_SRC, unsigned int ALIGNMENT_DEST>
void viennacl::copy (const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT_SRC > const &gpu_src_begin, const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT_SRC > const &gpu_src_end, vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT_DEST > gpu_dest_begin)
template<typename SCALARTYPE , unsigned int ALIGNMENT_SRC, unsigned int ALIGNMENT_DEST>
void viennacl::copy (const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT_SRC > const &gpu_src_begin, const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT_SRC > const &gpu_src_end, const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT_DEST > gpu_dest_begin)
template<typename SCALARTYPE , unsigned int ALIGNMENT, typename CPU_ITERATOR >
void viennacl::fast_copy (const const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > &gpu_begin, const const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > &gpu_end, CPU_ITERATOR cpu_begin)
template<typename CPU_ITERATOR , typename SCALARTYPE , unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
void viennacl::fast_copy (CPU_ITERATOR const &cpu_begin, CPU_ITERATOR const &cpu_end, vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > gpu_begin)
template<class SCALARTYPE , unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
void viennacl::linalg::convolve_i (viennacl::vector< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > &input1, viennacl::vector< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > &input2, viennacl::vector< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > &output)
template<typename T >
viennacl::vector_expression< const vector_base< T >, const vector_base< T >, op_element_binary< op_prod > > viennacl::linalg::element_prod (vector_base< T > const &v1, vector_base< T > const &v2)
template<typename T >
viennacl::vector_expression< const vector_base< T >, const vector_base< T >, op_element_binary< op_div > > viennacl::linalg::element_div (vector_base< T > const &v1, vector_base< T > const &v2)
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec1, vector_base< T > const &vec2, scalar< T > &result)
 Computes the inner product of two vectors - dispatcher interface. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec1, vector_base< T > const &vec2, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename T , typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec1, viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec2, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename LHS1 , typename RHS1 , typename OP1 , typename LHS2 , typename RHS2 , typename OP2 , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS1, RHS1, OP1 > const &vec1, viennacl::vector_expression< LHS2, RHS2, OP2 > const &vec2, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec1, vector_base< T > const &vec2, T &result)
 Computes the inner product of two vectors with the final reduction step on the CPU - dispatcher interface. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec1, vector_base< T > const &vec2, T &result)
template<typename T , typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec1, viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec2, T &result)
template<typename LHS1 , typename RHS1 , typename OP1 , typename LHS2 , typename RHS2 , typename OP2 , typename S3 >
void viennacl::linalg::inner_prod_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS1, RHS1, OP1 > const &vec1, viennacl::vector_expression< LHS2, RHS2, OP2 > const &vec2, S3 &result)
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_1_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
 Computes the l^1-norm of a vector - dispatcher interface. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_1_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_1_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec, T &result)
 Computes the l^1-norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename S2 >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_1_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the l^1-norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_2_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
 Computes the l^2-norm of a vector - dispatcher interface. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_2_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
 Computes the l^2-norm of a vector - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_2_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec, T &result)
 Computes the l^2-norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - dispatcher interface. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename S2 >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_2_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the l^2-norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_inf_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
 Computes the supremum-norm of a vector. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_inf_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
 Computes the supremum norm of a vector - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_inf_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec, T &result)
 Computes the supremum-norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename S2 >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_inf_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the supremum norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::max_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::max_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::max_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec, T &result)
 Computes the maximum of a vector with final reduction on the CPU. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename S2 >
void viennacl::linalg::max_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the supremum norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::min_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::min_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::min_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec, T &result)
 Computes the minimum of a vector with final reduction on the CPU. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename S2 >
void viennacl::linalg::min_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the supremum norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::sum_impl (vector_base< T > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::sum_impl (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, scalar< T > &result)
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::sum_cpu (vector_base< T > const &vec, T &result)
 Computes the sum of a vector with final reduction on the CPU. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP , typename S2 >
void viennacl::linalg::sum_cpu (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the sum of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_frobenius_impl (matrix_base< T > const &A, scalar< T > &result)
 Computes the Frobenius norm of a matrix - dispatcher interface. More...
template<typename T >
void viennacl::linalg::norm_frobenius_cpu (matrix_base< T > const &A, T &result)
 Computes the Frobenius norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU. More...
template<typename T >
vcl_size_t viennacl::linalg::index_norm_inf (vector_base< T > const &vec)
 Computes the index of the first entry that is equal to the supremum-norm in modulus. More...
template<typename LHS , typename RHS , typename OP >
vcl_size_t viennacl::linalg::index_norm_inf (viennacl::vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP > const &vec)
 Computes the supremum norm of a vector with final reduction on the CPU - interface for a vector expression. Creates a temporary. More...
template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::prod_impl (const matrix_base< NumericT > &mat, const vector_base< NumericT > &vec, vector_base< NumericT > &result)
 Carries out matrix-vector multiplication. More...
template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::prod_impl (const matrix_expression< const matrix_base< NumericT >, const matrix_base< NumericT >, op_trans > &mat_trans, const vector_base< NumericT > &vec, vector_base< NumericT > &result)
 Carries out matrix-vector multiplication with a transposed matrix. More...
template<typename SparseMatrixType , class SCALARTYPE , unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
viennacl::enable_if< viennacl::is_any_sparse_matrix< SparseMatrixType >::value, vector_expression< const SparseMatrixType, const vector< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >, op_prod > >::type viennacl::linalg::prod_impl (const SparseMatrixType &mat, const vector< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT > &vec)
template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::row_sum_impl (const matrix_base< NumericT > &A, vector_base< NumericT > &result)
template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::column_sum_impl (const matrix_base< NumericT > &A, vector_base< NumericT > &result)

Detailed Description

This file provides the forward declarations for the main types used within ViennaCL.

Definition in file forwards.h.