ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail Namespace Reference

Helper functions for OpenCL-accelerated linear algebra operations. More...


cl_uint make_options (vcl_size_t length, bool reciprocal, bool flip_sign)
std::string sparse_dense_matmult_kernel_name (bool B_transposed, bool B_row_major, bool C_row_major)
 Returns the OpenCL kernel string for the operation C = A * B with A sparse, B, C dense matrices. More...
template<typename SomeT >
ocl::device const & current_device (SomeT const &obj)
std::string op_to_string (op_abs)
std::string op_to_string (op_acos)
std::string op_to_string (op_asin)
std::string op_to_string (op_atan)
std::string op_to_string (op_ceil)
std::string op_to_string (op_cos)
std::string op_to_string (op_cosh)
std::string op_to_string (op_exp)
std::string op_to_string (op_fabs)
std::string op_to_string (op_floor)
std::string op_to_string (op_log)
std::string op_to_string (op_log10)
std::string op_to_string (op_sin)
std::string op_to_string (op_sinh)
std::string op_to_string (op_sqrt)
std::string op_to_string (op_tan)
std::string op_to_string (op_tanh)
cl_uint get_option_for_solver_tag (viennacl::linalg::upper_tag)
cl_uint get_option_for_solver_tag (viennacl::linalg::unit_upper_tag)
cl_uint get_option_for_solver_tag (viennacl::linalg::lower_tag)
cl_uint get_option_for_solver_tag (viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag)
template<typename MatrixT1 , typename MatrixT2 , typename KernelT >
void inplace_solve_impl (MatrixT1 const &A, MatrixT2 &B, KernelT &k)
template<typename NumericT >
viennacl::ocl::kernellegacy_kernel_for_matrix (matrix_base< NumericT > const &M, std::string const &kernel_name)
template<typename NumericT >
void level_scheduling_substitute (vector< NumericT > &x, viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &row_index_array, viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &row_buffer, viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &col_buffer, viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &element_buffer, vcl_size_t num_rows)
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void row_info (compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &A, vector_base< NumericT > &x, viennacl::linalg::detail::row_info_types info_selector)
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void block_inplace_solve (const matrix_expression< const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, op_trans > &L, viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &block_indices, vcl_size_t num_blocks, vector_base< NumericT > const &, vector_base< NumericT > &x, viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag)
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void block_inplace_solve (matrix_expression< const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, op_trans > const &U, viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &block_indices, vcl_size_t num_blocks, vector_base< NumericT > const &U_diagonal, vector_base< NumericT > &x, viennacl::linalg::upper_tag)
template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void row_info (coordinate_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &A, vector_base< NumericT > &x, viennacl::linalg::detail::row_info_types info_selector)
template<typename NumericT >
viennacl::ocl::packed_cl_uint make_layout (vector_base< NumericT > const &vec)
template<typename NumericT >
void scan_impl (vector_base< NumericT > const &input, vector_base< NumericT > &output, bool is_inclusive)
 Worker routine for scan routines using OpenCL. More...

Detailed Description

Helper functions for OpenCL-accelerated linear algebra operations.

Function Documentation

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::block_inplace_solve ( const matrix_expression< const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, op_trans > &  L,
viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &  block_indices,
vcl_size_t  num_blocks,
vector_base< NumericT > const &  ,
vector_base< NumericT > &  x,

Definition at line 451 of file sparse_matrix_operations.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::block_inplace_solve ( matrix_expression< const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, const compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV >, op_trans > const &  U,
viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &  block_indices,
vcl_size_t  num_blocks,
vector_base< NumericT > const &  U_diagonal,
vector_base< NumericT > &  x,

Definition at line 474 of file sparse_matrix_operations.hpp.

template<typename SomeT >
ocl::device const& viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::current_device ( SomeT const &  obj)

Definition at line 76 of file common.hpp.

cl_uint viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::get_option_for_solver_tag ( viennacl::linalg::upper_tag  )

Definition at line 42 of file direct_solve.hpp.

cl_uint viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::get_option_for_solver_tag ( viennacl::linalg::unit_upper_tag  )

Definition at line 43 of file direct_solve.hpp.

cl_uint viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::get_option_for_solver_tag ( viennacl::linalg::lower_tag  )

Definition at line 44 of file direct_solve.hpp.

cl_uint viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::get_option_for_solver_tag ( viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag  )

Definition at line 45 of file direct_solve.hpp.

template<typename MatrixT1 , typename MatrixT2 , typename KernelT >
void viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::inplace_solve_impl ( MatrixT1 const &  A,
MatrixT2 &  B,
KernelT &  k 

Definition at line 48 of file direct_solve.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
viennacl::ocl::kernel& viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::legacy_kernel_for_matrix ( matrix_base< NumericT > const &  M,
std::string const &  kernel_name 

Definition at line 61 of file matrix_operations.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::level_scheduling_substitute ( vector< NumericT > &  x,
viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &  row_index_array,
viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &  row_buffer,
viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &  col_buffer,
viennacl::backend::mem_handle const &  element_buffer,
vcl_size_t  num_rows 

Definition at line 45 of file misc_operations.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
viennacl::ocl::packed_cl_uint viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::make_layout ( vector_base< NumericT > const &  vec)

Definition at line 229 of file vector_operations.hpp.

cl_uint viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::make_options ( vcl_size_t  length,
bool  reciprocal,
bool  flip_sign 

Definition at line 42 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_abs  )

Definition at line 78 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_acos  )

Definition at line 79 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_asin  )

Definition at line 80 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_atan  )

Definition at line 81 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_ceil  )

Definition at line 82 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_cos  )

Definition at line 83 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_cosh  )

Definition at line 84 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_exp  )

Definition at line 85 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_fabs  )

Definition at line 86 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_floor  )

Definition at line 87 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_log  )

Definition at line 88 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_log10  )

Definition at line 89 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_sin  )

Definition at line 90 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_sinh  )

Definition at line 91 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_sqrt  )

Definition at line 92 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_tan  )

Definition at line 93 of file common.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::op_to_string ( op_tanh  )

Definition at line 94 of file common.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::row_info ( compressed_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &  A,
vector_base< NumericT > &  x,
viennacl::linalg::detail::row_info_types  info_selector 

Definition at line 55 of file sparse_matrix_operations.hpp.

template<typename NumericT , unsigned int AlignmentV>
void viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::row_info ( coordinate_matrix< NumericT, AlignmentV > const &  A,
vector_base< NumericT > &  x,
viennacl::linalg::detail::row_info_types  info_selector 

Definition at line 662 of file sparse_matrix_operations.hpp.

template<typename NumericT >
void viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::scan_impl ( vector_base< NumericT > const &  input,
vector_base< NumericT > &  output,
bool  is_inclusive 

Worker routine for scan routines using OpenCL.

Note on performance: For non-in-place scans one could optimize away the temporary 'opencl_carries'-array. This, however, only provides small savings in the latency-dominated regime, yet would effectively double the amount of code to maintain.

Definition at line 539 of file vector_operations.hpp.

std::string viennacl::linalg::opencl::detail::sparse_dense_matmult_kernel_name ( bool  B_transposed,
bool  B_row_major,
bool  C_row_major 

Returns the OpenCL kernel string for the operation C = A * B with A sparse, B, C dense matrices.

Definition at line 49 of file common.hpp.