ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
cuda Directory Reference


file  amg_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of routines for AMG in OpenCL.
file  bisect_kernel_calls.hpp [code]
 CUDA kernel calls for the bisection algorithm.
file  bisect_kernel_large.hpp [code]
 First step of the bisection algorithm for the computation of eigenvalues.
file  bisect_kernel_large_multi.hpp [code]
 Second step of the bisection algorithm for the computation of eigenvalues for large matrices.
file  bisect_kernel_large_onei.hpp [code]
 Determine eigenvalues for large matrices for intervals that contained after the first step one eigenvalue.
file  bisect_kernel_small.hpp [code]
 Determine eigenvalues for small symmetric, tridiagonal matrix.
file  bisect_util.hpp [code]
file  common.hpp [code]
 Common routines for CUDA execution.
file  direct_solve.hpp [code]
 Implementations of dense direct solvers using CUDA are found here.
file  fft_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of Fast Furier Transformation using cuda.
file  ilu_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of specialized routines for the Chow-Patel parallel ILU preconditioner using CUDA.
file  iterative_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations using sparse matrices using CUDA.
file  matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of dense matrix related operations, including matrix-vector products, using CUDA.
file  matrix_operations_col.hpp [code]
 Implementations of column-major dense matrix related operations, including matrix-vector products, using CUDA.
file  matrix_operations_prod.hpp [code]
 Dense matrix-matrix product CUDA kernels reside here.
file  matrix_operations_row.hpp [code]
 Implementations of row-major dense matrix related operations, including matrix-vector products, using CUDA.
file  misc_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of miscellaneous operations using CUDA.
file  nmf_operations.hpp [code]
file  scalar_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of scalar operations using CUDA.
file  sparse_matrix_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of operations using sparse matrices using CUDA.
file  sparse_matrix_operations_solve.hpp [code]
 Implementations of direct triangular solvers for sparse matrices using CUDA.
file  spgemm.hpp [code]
file  spgemm_rmerge.hpp [code]
file  vector_operations.hpp [code]
 Implementations of NMF operations using CUDA.