ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
qr.hpp File Reference

Provides a QR factorization using a block-based approach. More...

#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/vector_proxy.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp"
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp"
#include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
#include "viennacl/matrix_proxy.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/prod.hpp"
#include "viennacl/range.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Main namespace in ViennaCL. Holds all the basic types such as vector, matrix, etc. and defines operations upon them.
 Provides all linear algebra operations which are not covered by operator overloads.
 Namespace holding implementation details for linear algebra routines. Usually not of interest for a library user.


template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
MatrixType::value_type viennacl::linalg::detail::setup_householder_vector_ublas (MatrixType const &A, VectorType &v, MatrixType &matrix_1x1, vcl_size_t j)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type viennacl::linalg::detail::setup_householder_vector_viennacl (MatrixType const &A, VectorType &v, MatrixType &matrix_1x1, vcl_size_t j)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType , typename ScalarType >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::householder_reflect (MatrixType &A, VectorType &v, ScalarType beta, vcl_size_t j, vcl_size_t k)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType , typename ScalarType >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::householder_reflect_ublas (MatrixType &A, VectorType &v, MatrixType &matrix_1x1, ScalarType beta, vcl_size_t j, vcl_size_t k)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType , typename ScalarType >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::householder_reflect_viennacl (MatrixType &A, VectorType &v, MatrixType &matrix_1x1, ScalarType beta, vcl_size_t j, vcl_size_t k)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType , typename ScalarType >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::householder_reflect (MatrixType &A, VectorType &v, ScalarType beta, vcl_size_t j)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::write_householder_to_A (MatrixType &A, VectorType const &v, vcl_size_t j)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::write_householder_to_A_ublas (MatrixType &A, VectorType const &v, vcl_size_t j)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void viennacl::linalg::detail::write_householder_to_A_viennacl (MatrixType &A, VectorType const &v, vcl_size_t j)
template<typename MatrixType >
std::vector< typename MatrixType::value_type > viennacl::linalg::detail::inplace_qr_ublas (MatrixType &A, vcl_size_t block_size=32)
 Implementation of inplace-QR factorization for a general Boost.uBLAS compatible matrix A. More...
template<typename MatrixType >
std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type > viennacl::linalg::detail::inplace_qr_viennacl (MatrixType &A, vcl_size_t block_size=16)
 Implementation of a OpenCL-only QR factorization for GPUs (or multi-core CPU). DEPRECATED! Use only if you're curious and interested in playing a bit with a GPU-only implementation. More...
template<typename MatrixType >
std::vector< typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type< typename MatrixType::value_type >::type > viennacl::linalg::detail::inplace_qr_hybrid (MatrixType &A, vcl_size_t block_size=16)
 Implementation of a hybrid QR factorization using uBLAS on the CPU and ViennaCL for GPUs (or multi-core CPU) More...
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void viennacl::linalg::recoverQ (MatrixType const &A, VectorType const &betas, MatrixType &Q, MatrixType &R)
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType1 , typename VectorType2 >
void viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr_apply_trans_Q (MatrixType const &A, VectorType1 const &betas, VectorType2 &b)
 Computes Q^T b, where Q is an implicit orthogonal matrix defined via its Householder reflectors stored in A. More...
template<typename T , typename F , unsigned int ALIGNMENT, typename VectorType1 , unsigned int A2>
void viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr_apply_trans_Q (viennacl::matrix< T, F, ALIGNMENT > const &A, VectorType1 const &betas, viennacl::vector< T, A2 > &b)
template<typename T , typename F , unsigned int ALIGNMENT>
std::vector< T > viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr (viennacl::matrix< T, F, ALIGNMENT > &A, vcl_size_t block_size=16)
 Overload of inplace-QR factorization of a ViennaCL matrix A. More...
template<typename MatrixType >
std::vector< typename MatrixType::value_type > viennacl::linalg::inplace_qr (MatrixType &A, vcl_size_t block_size=16)
 Overload of inplace-QR factorization for a general Boost.uBLAS compatible matrix A. More...

Detailed Description

Provides a QR factorization using a block-based approach.

Definition in file qr.hpp.