ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
kernels Directory Reference


file  amg.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for operations related to algebraic multigrid.
file  bisect.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernels for the bisection algorithm for eigenvalues.
file  compressed_compressed_matrix.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for vector operations.
file  compressed_matrix.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for compressed_matrix operations.
file  coordinate_matrix.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for coordinate_matrix operations.
file  ell_matrix.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for ell_matrix operations.
file  fft.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for FFT operations.
file  hyb_matrix.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for hyb_matrix operations.
file  ilu.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for nonnegative matrix factorization.
file  iterative.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for specialized iterative solver kernels.
file  matrix.hpp [code]
 Runtime generation of OpenCL kernels for matrix operations.
file  matrix_solve.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for dense matrix solves with multiple right hand side (BLAS level 3)
file  nmf.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for nonnegative matrix factorization.
file  scalar.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for scalar operations.
file  scan.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for scan operations. To be merged back to vector operations.
file  sliced_ell_matrix.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for sliced_ell_matrix operations.
file  spai.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for sparse approximate inverse operations.
file  svd.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for singular value decomposition.
file  vector.hpp [code]
 OpenCL kernel file for vector operations.