ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
bisect Directory Reference


file  bisect_kernel_calls.hpp [code]
 Kernel calls for the bisection algorithm.
file  bisect_large.hpp [code]
 Computation of eigenvalues of a large symmetric, tridiagonal matrix.
file  bisect_small.hpp [code]
 Computation of eigenvalues of a small symmetric, tridiagonal matrix.
file  config.hpp [code]
 Global configuration parameters.
file  gerschgorin.hpp [code]
 Computation of Gerschgorin interval for symmetric, tridiagonal matrix.
file  structs.hpp [code]
 Helper structures to simplify variable handling.
file  util.hpp [code]
 Utility functions.