ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
error.hpp File Reference

Error handling for the OpenCL layer of ViennaCL. More...

#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  viennacl::ocl::queue_not_found
class  viennacl::ocl::program_not_found
class  viennacl::ocl::kernel_not_found
class  viennacl::ocl::device_not_found
 Exception thrown in the case that a requested compute device was not found. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::device_not_available
 Exception thrown if the selected compute device is not available (maybe locked by another process). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::compiler_not_available
 Exception thrown if the OpenCL just-in-time compiler is not available. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::mem_object_allocation_failure
 Exception thrown if a memory object cannot be allocated. Usually the requested memory buffer is simply too large. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::out_of_resources
 Exception thrown if the compute device is out of resources (either global memory, registers, etc.) for the requested operation. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::out_of_host_memory
 Exception thrown if the host cannot provide enough memory for the datastructures in the OpenCL backend (temporary arrays, etc.) to perform the requested operation. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::profiling_info_not_available
 Exception thrown if the OpenCL context does not have CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE set, if the execution is not complete, or the event object is a user event object. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::mem_copy_overlap
 Exception thrown if the source buffer overlaps the destination buffer when copying from device memory to device memory. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::image_format_mismatch
 Exception thrown if there is a mismatch in image formats for the operands. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::image_format_not_supported
 Exception thrown if the requested image format is not supported. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::build_program_failure
 Exception thrown if the OpenCL program cannot be built, usually due to a syntax error in the OpenCL code. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::map_failure
 Exception thrown if the mapping of device memory to the host memory space failed. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_value
 Exception thrown is an invalid value is provided to an OpenCL function. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_device_type
 Exception thrown if an invalid device type is specified. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_platform
 Exception thrown if an invalid OpenCL platform is provided to an OpenCL function. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_device
 Exception thrown if an invalid OpenCL device is provided to an OpenCL function. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_context
 Exception thrown if an invalid OpenCL context is provided to an OpenCL function. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_queue_properties
 Exception thrown if invalid OpenCL command queue properties are provided when creating a command queue. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_command_queue
 Exception thrown if an invalid OpenCL command queue is provided to an OpenCL function. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_host_ptr
 Exception thrown if the provided pointer to host memory is invalid. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_mem_object
 Exception thrown if an invalid OpenCL memory object (of type cl_mem) is passed to an OpenCL funciton. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_image_format_descriptor
 Exception thrown if an invalid image format descriptor is provided. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_image_size
 Exception thrown if the image size provided is invalid (e.g. zero). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_sampler
 Exception thrown if an invalid sampler is provided for an image. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_binary
 Exception thrown if the OpenCL binary (generated from the jit-compiler or loaded from some other location) won't work on the device (e.g. due to a lack of double precision support). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_build_options
 Exception thrown if invalid build options are passed to the OpenCL just-in-time compiler. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_program
 Exception thrown if an OpenCL program object handle is invalid (e.g. not initialized). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_program_executable
 Exception thrown if there is no built program exectuable available for the device. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_kernel_name
 Exception thrown if the provided kernel name is invalid (e.g. not part of the program provided). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_kernel_definition
 Exception thrown if the kernel definition (number of arguments, argument types, etc.) is not the same for all devices for which the program has been built. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_kernel
 Exception thrown if the provided kernel object (of type cl_kernel) is invalid (e.g. not initialized, from different context, or corrupted). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_arg_index
 Exception thrown if the kernel argument index is invalid, e.g. an arg index larger than the number of kernel arguments was provided. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_arg_value
 Exception thrown if the kernel argument provided has an invalid value. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_arg_size
 Exception thrown if the arguments to an OpenCL kernel have an invalid size e.g. not sizeof(cl_mem)). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_kernel_args
 Exception thrown if the kernel arguments are invalid and/or do not fit the kernel parameter list. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_work_dimension
 Exception thrown if the work dimension is invalid (usually this means that the work dimension was set to be larger than three. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_work_group_size
 Exception thrown if the number of work groups is invalid (usually this means that more than 256/512/768/1024 work groups have been specified, but the device(s) cannot support this. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_work_item_size
 Exception thrown if the number of work items per work group invalid (usually this means that more than 256/512/768/1024 work items have been specified, but the device(s) cannot support this. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_global_offset
 Exception thrown if the provided offset for get_global_id() in OpenCL kernels is invalid. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_event_wait_list
 Exception thrown if the provided event wait list is invalid. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_event
 Exception thrown if the provided event object (of type cl_event) is invalid. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_operation
 Exception thrown if interoperability of OpenCL with other frameworks collide. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_gl_object
 Exception thrown if the provided OpenGL (not OpenCL) object is invalid. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_buffer_size
 Exception thrown if the provided buffer size is invalid (e.g. zero) More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_mip_level
 Exception thrown if the provided miplevel is greater than zero, but the OpenGL implementation does not support creating from non-zero mipmap levels. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_global_work_size
 Exception thrown if the total number of work items is invalid (for example, not divisible by the number of work items per work group). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::invalid_property
 Exception thrown if an invalid property is provided to a function (vague value). More...
class  viennacl::ocl::unknown_error
 Exception thrown if the returned error cannot be resolved to some defined error constant. Might result from invalid sources, invalid memory operations, etc. More...
class  viennacl::ocl::double_precision_not_provided_error
 Exception thrown if the user wants to use double precision arithmetics, but the device does not support double precision. More...
struct  viennacl::ocl::error_checker< T >
 An error reporting class. Template argument is used to avoid problems with external linkage. More...


 Main namespace in ViennaCL. Holds all the basic types such as vector, matrix, etc. and defines operations upon them.
 OpenCL backend. Manages platforms, contexts, buffers, kernels, etc.


#define VIENNACL_ERR_CHECK(err)   viennacl::ocl::error_checker<void>::checkError(err, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

Detailed Description

Error handling for the OpenCL layer of ViennaCL.

Definition in file error.hpp.

Macro Definition Documentation

"\nIf you think that this is a bug in ViennaCL, please report it at and supply at least the following information:\n"\
" * Operating System\n"\
" * Which OpenCL implementation (AMD, NVIDIA, etc.)\n"\
" * ViennaCL version\n"\
"Many thanks in advance!";\

Definition at line 52 of file error.hpp.

#define VIENNACL_ERR_CHECK (   err)    viennacl::ocl::error_checker<void>::checkError(err, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

Definition at line 681 of file error.hpp.