ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
traits Directory Reference


file  clear.hpp [code]
 Generic clear functionality for different vector and matrix types.
file  context.hpp [code]
 Extracts the underlying context from objects.
file  fill.hpp [code]
 Generic fill functionality for different matrix types.
file  handle.hpp [code]
 Extracts the underlying OpenCL handle from a vector, a matrix, an expression etc.
file  row_major.hpp [code]
 Determines whether a given expression has a row-major matrix layout.
file  size.hpp [code]
 Generic size and resize functionality for different vector and matrix types.
file  start.hpp [code]
 Extracts the underlying OpenCL start index handle from a vector, a matrix, an expression etc.
file  stride.hpp [code]
 Determines row and column increments for matrices and matrix proxies.