ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
scheduler Directory Reference


file  execute.hpp [code]
 Provides the datastructures for dealing with a single statement such as 'x = y + z;'.
file  execute_axbx.hpp [code]
 Provides the datastructures for dealing with statements of the type x = (y) +- (z)
file  execute_elementwise.hpp [code]
 Deals with the execution of unary and binary element-wise operations.
file  execute_generic_dispatcher.hpp [code]
 Provides unified wrappers for the common routines {as(), asbs(), asbs_s()}, {av(), avbv(), avbv_v()}, and {am(), ambm(), ambm_m()} such that scheduler logic is not cluttered with numeric type decutions.
file  execute_matrix_dispatcher.hpp [code]
 Provides wrappers for am(), ambm(), ambm_m(), etc. in viennacl/linalg/matrix_operations.hpp such that scheduler logic is not cluttered with numeric type decutions.
file  execute_matrix_prod.hpp [code]
 Deals with matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products.
file  execute_scalar_assign.hpp [code]
 Deals with the execution of x = RHS; for a vector x and any compatible right hand side expression RHS.
file  execute_scalar_dispatcher.hpp [code]
 Provides wrappers for as(), asbs(), asbs_s(), etc. in viennacl/linalg/scalar_operations.hpp such that scheduler logic is not cluttered with numeric type decutions.
file  execute_util.hpp [code]
 Provides various utilities for implementing the execution of statements.
file  execute_vector_dispatcher.hpp [code]
 Provides wrappers for av(), avbv(), avbv_v(), etc. in viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp such that scheduler logic is not cluttered with numeric type decutions.
file  forwards.h [code]
 Provides the datastructures for dealing with a single statement such as 'x = y + z;'.
file  io.hpp [code]
 Some helper routines for reading/writing/printing scheduler expressions.
file  preset.hpp [code]