ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
cuthill_mckee.hpp File Reference

Implementation of several flavors of the Cuthill-McKee algorithm. Experimental. More...

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <cmath>
#include "viennacl/forwards.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  viennacl::cuthill_mckee_tag
 A tag class for selecting the Cuthill-McKee algorithm for reducing the bandwidth of a sparse matrix. More...
class  viennacl::advanced_cuthill_mckee_tag
 Tag for the advanced Cuthill-McKee algorithm (i.e. running the 'standard' Cuthill-McKee algorithm for a couple of different seeds). More...


 Main namespace in ViennaCL. Holds all the basic types such as vector, matrix, etc. and defines operations upon them.
 Holds implementation details for functionality in the main viennacl-namespace. Not intended for direct use by library users.


template<typename IndexT , typename ValueT >
IndexT viennacl::detail::calc_reordered_bw (std::vector< std::map< IndexT, ValueT > > const &matrix, std::vector< bool > &dof_assigned_to_node, std::vector< IndexT > const &permutation)
template<typename IndexT >
bool viennacl::detail::comb_inc (std::vector< IndexT > &comb, vcl_size_t n)
template<typename MatrixT , typename IndexT >
void viennacl::detail::generate_layering (MatrixT const &matrix, std::vector< std::vector< IndexT > > &layer_list)
 Function to generate a node layering as a tree structure. More...
template<typename MatrixType >
void viennacl::detail::generate_layering (MatrixType const &matrix, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &l, int s)
template<typename MatrixT , typename IndexT >
void viennacl::detail::nodes_of_strongly_connected_component (MatrixT const &matrix, std::vector< IndexT > &node_list)
 Fills the provided nodelist with all nodes of the same strongly connected component as the nodes in the node_list. More...
bool viennacl::detail::cuthill_mckee_comp_func (std::vector< int > const &a, std::vector< int > const &b)
template<typename IndexT >
bool viennacl::detail::cuthill_mckee_comp_func_pair (std::pair< IndexT, IndexT > const &a, std::pair< IndexT, IndexT > const &b)
template<typename IndexT , typename ValueT >
vcl_size_t viennacl::detail::cuthill_mckee_on_strongly_connected_component (std::vector< std::map< IndexT, ValueT > > const &matrix, std::deque< IndexT > &node_assignment_queue, std::vector< bool > &dof_assigned_to_node, std::vector< IndexT > &permutation, vcl_size_t current_dof)
 Runs the Cuthill-McKee algorithm on a strongly connected component of a graph. More...
template<typename IndexT , typename ValueT >
std::vector< IndexT > viennacl::reorder (std::vector< std::map< IndexT, ValueT > > const &matrix, cuthill_mckee_tag)
 Function for the calculation of a node number permutation to reduce the bandwidth of an incidence matrix by the Cuthill-McKee algorithm. More...
template<typename IndexT , typename ValueT >
std::vector< IndexT > viennacl::reorder (std::vector< std::map< IndexT, ValueT > > const &matrix, advanced_cuthill_mckee_tag const &tag)
 Function for the calculation of a node number permutation to reduce the bandwidth of an incidence matrix by the advanced Cuthill-McKee algorithm. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of several flavors of the Cuthill-McKee algorithm. Experimental.

Contributed by Philipp Grabenweger, interface adjustments and performance tweaks by Karl Rupp.

Definition in file cuthill_mckee.hpp.