Namespaces | Functions

/data/development/ViennaCL/dev/viennacl/linalg/vector_operations.hpp File Reference

Implementations of vector operations. More...

#include "viennacl/forwards.h"
#include "viennacl/ocl/device.hpp"
#include "viennacl/ocl/handle.hpp"
#include "viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp"
#include "viennacl/scalar.hpp"
#include "viennacl/tools/tools.hpp"
#include "viennacl/linalg/kernels/vector_kernels.h"
#include "viennacl/meta/predicate.hpp"
#include "viennacl/meta/enable_if.hpp"
#include "viennacl/traits/size.hpp"
#include "viennacl/traits/start.hpp"
#include "viennacl/traits/handle.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  viennacl
namespace  viennacl::linalg


template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename V3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value >::type 
add (const V1 &vec1, const V2 &vec2, V3 &result)
 Addition of two vectors. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value >::type 
inplace_add (V1 &vec1, const V2 &vec2)
 Inplace addition of two vectors. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename V3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value >::type 
sub (const V1 &vec1, const V2 &vec2, V3 &result)
 Subtraction of two vectors. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value >::type 
inplace_sub (V1 &vec1, const V2 &vec2)
 Inplace addition of two vectors. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 , typename V3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value >::type 
mult (const V1 &vec, S2 const &alpha, V3 &result)
 Scales a vector. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename SCALARTYPE , typename V3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
< SCALARTYPE >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value >::type 
mult (V1 const &vec, SCALARTYPE alpha, V3 &result)
 Scales a vector. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value >::type 
inplace_mult (V1 &vec, S2 const &alpha)
 Scales a vector inplace. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
&&viennacl::is_cpu_scalar< S2 >
::value >::type 
inplace_mult (V1 &vec, S2 alpha)
 Scales a vector inplace. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 , typename V3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value >::type 
divide (V1 const &vec, S2 const &alpha, V3 &result)
 Scales a vector. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value >::type 
inplace_divide (V1 &vec, S2 const &alpha)
 Scales a vector inplace. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 , typename V3 , typename V4 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V4 >::value >::type 
mul_add (V1 const &vec1, S2 const &alpha, V3 const &vec2, V4 &result)
 Multiply-add operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename SCALARTYPE , typename V3 , typename V4 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
< SCALARTYPE >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V4 >::value >::type 
mul_add (V1 const &vec1, SCALARTYPE alpha, V3 const &vec2, V4 &result)
 Multiply-add operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename S3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_scalar< S3 >
::value >::type 
inplace_mul_add (V1 &vec1, V2 const &vec2, S3 const &alpha)
 Inplace Multiply-add operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename SCALARTYPE >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
< SCALARTYPE >::value >::type 
inplace_mul_add (V1 &vec1, V2 const &vec2, SCALARTYPE alpha)
 Inplace Multiply-add operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 , typename V3 , typename V4 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_vector< V3 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V4 >::value >::type 
mul_sub (V1 const &vec1, S2 const &alpha, V3 const &vec2, V4 &result)
 Multiply-subtract operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename S3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_scalar< S3 >
::value >::type 
inplace_mul_sub (V1 &vec1, V2 const &vec2, S3 const &alpha)
 Inplace Multiply-subtract operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename S3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_scalar< S3 >
::value >::type 
inplace_div_add (V1 &vec1, V2 const &vec2, S3 const &alpha)
 Inplace divide-add operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename S3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_scalar< S3 >
::value >::type 
inplace_div_sub (V1 &vec1, V2 const &vec2, S3 const &alpha)
 Inplace divide-subtract operation. Try to use the overloaded operators for vector instead, unless you want to fine-tune the number of GPU threads involved.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename S3 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
&&viennacl::is_scalar< S3 >
::value >::type 
inner_prod_impl (V1 const &vec1, V2 const &vec2, S3 &result)
 Computes the inner product of two vectors - implementation. Library users should call inner_prod(vec1, vec2).
template<typename V1 , typename V2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value,
< const V1, const V2,
viennacl::op_inner_prod >
inner_prod_impl (V1 const &vec1, V2 const &vec2)
 Computes the inner product of two vectors.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value >::type 
norm_1_impl (V1 const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the l^1-norm of a vector.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value >::type 
norm_2_impl (V1 const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the l^2-norm of a vector - implementation.
template<typename V1 , typename S2 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_scalar
< S2 >::value >::type 
norm_inf_impl (V1 const &vec, S2 &result)
 Computes the supremum-norm of a vector.
template<typename V1 >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value, cl_uint >::type 
index_norm_inf (V1 const &vec)
 Computes the index of the first entry that is equal to the supremum-norm in modulus.
template<typename V1 , typename V2 , typename SCALARTYPE >
< viennacl::is_vector< V1 >
::value &&viennacl::is_vector
< V2 >::value
< SCALARTYPE >::value >::type 
plane_rotation (V1 &vec1, V2 &vec2, SCALARTYPE alpha, SCALARTYPE beta)
 Computes a plane rotation of two vectors.

Detailed Description

Implementations of vector operations.