Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
advanced_cuthill_mckee_tagTag for the advanced Cuthill-McKee algorithm
amg_nonzero_scalar< InternalType, IteratorType, ScalarType >A class for a scalar that can be written to the sparse matrix or sparse vector datatypes
amg_pointA class for the AMG points. Saves point index and influence measure Holds information whether point is undecided, C or F point. Holds lists of points that are influenced by or influencing this point
amg_pointvectorA class for the AMG points. Holds pointers of type amg_point in a vector that can be accessed using [point-index]. Additional list of pointers sorted by influence number and index to improve coarsening performance (see amg_coarse_classic_onepass() in amg_coarse.hpp) Constructs indices for C points on the coarse level, needed for interpolation
amg_precond< MatrixType >AMG preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
amg_precond< compressed_matrix< ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT > >AMG preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
amg_slicing< InternalType1, InternalType2 >A class for the matrix slicing for parallel coarsening schemes (RS0/RS3)
amg_sparsematrix< ScalarType >A class for the sparse matrix type. Uses vector of maps as data structure for higher performance and lower memory usage. Uses similar interface as ublas::compressed_matrix. Can deal with transposed of matrix internally: Creation, Storage, Iterators, etc
amg_sparsevector< ScalarType >A class for the sparse vector type
amg_sparsevector_iterator< InternalType >Defines an iterator for the sparse vector type
amg_tagA tag for algebraic multigrid (AMG). Used to transport information from the user to the implementation
backend< dummy >A backend that provides contexts for ViennaCL objects (vector, matrix, etc.)
basic_range< SizeType, DistanceType >A range class that refers to an interval [start, stop), where 'start' is included, and 'stop' is excluded
bicgstab_tagA tag for the stabilized Bi-conjugate gradient solver. Used for supplying solver parameters and for dispatching the solve() function
block_matrixRepresents a contigious matrices on GPU
block_vectorRepresents a contigious vector on GPU
cg_tagA tag for the conjugate gradient Used for supplying solver parameters and for dispatching the solve() function
CHECK_SCALAR_TEMPLATE_ARGUMENT< T >A guard that checks whether the floating point type of GPU types is either float or double
circulant_matrix< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A Circulant matrix class
classcompComparison class for the sorted set of points in amg_pointvector. Set is sorted by influence measure from lower to higher with the point-index as tie-breaker
col_iterationA tag indicating iteration along increasing columns index of a matrix
command_queueA class representing a command queue
compressed_matrix< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A sparse square matrix in compressed sparse rows format
compressed_matrix< double, 1 >
compressed_matrix< double, 4 >
compressed_matrix< double, 8 >
compressed_matrix< float, 1 >
compressed_matrix< float, 4 >
compressed_matrix< float, 8 >
CONST_REMOVER< T >Removes the const qualifier from a type
const_sparse_matrix_adapted_iterator< SCALARTYPE, is_iterator1, is_forward >A const iterator for sparse matrices of type std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, SCALARTYPE> >
const_sparse_matrix_adapter< SCALARTYPE >Adapts a constant sparse matrix type made up from std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, SCALARTYPE> > to basic ublas-compatibility
const_vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A STL-type const-iterator for vector elements. Elements can be accessed, but cannot be manipulated. VERY SLOW!!
coordinate_matrix< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A sparse square matrix, where entries are stored as triplets (i,j, val), where i and j are the row and column indices and val denotes the entry
coordinate_matrix< double, 1 >
coordinate_matrix< double, 128 >
coordinate_matrix< float, 1 >
coordinate_matrix< float, 128 >
CPU_SCALAR_TYPE_DEDUCER< T >Obtain the cpu scalar type from a type, including a GPU type like viennacl::scalar<T>
CPU_SCALAR_TYPE_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< T, F, A > >
CPU_SCALAR_TYPE_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix_expression< const matrix< T, F, A >, const matrix< T, F, A >, op_trans > >
CPU_SCALAR_TYPE_DEDUCER< viennacl::scalar< T > >
CPU_SCALAR_TYPE_DEDUCER< viennacl::vector< T, A > >
cpu_value_type< T >
cpu_value_type< double >
cpu_value_type< float >
cpu_value_type< viennacl::matrix< T, F, ALIGNMENT > >
cpu_value_type< viennacl::matrix_expression< T1, T2, OP > >
cpu_value_type< viennacl::matrix_range< T > >
cpu_value_type< viennacl::scalar< T > >
cpu_value_type< viennacl::vector< T, ALIGNMENT > >
cpu_value_type< viennacl::vector_expression< T1, T2, OP > >
cpu_value_type< viennacl::vector_range< T > >
deviceA class representing a compute device (e.g. a GPU)
DOUBLE_PRECISION_CHECKER< ScalarType >Ensures that double precision types are only allocated if it is supported by the device. If double precision is requested for a device not capable of providing that, a double_precision_not_provided_error is thrown
enable_if< b, T >Simple enable-if variant that uses the SFINAE pattern
enable_if< false, T >
entry_proxy< SCALARTYPE >A proxy class for a single element of a vector or matrix. This proxy should not be noticed by end-users of the library
error_checker< T >An error reporting class. Template argument is used to avoid problems with external linkage
fft< double, 1 >
fft< float, 1 >
first_letter_of_type< T >Helper meta class that returns the first letter of a particular type (float or double)
first_letter_of_type< double >
first_letter_of_type< float >
fspai_precond< MatrixType >Implementation of the Factored SParse Approximate Inverse Algorithm
fspai_precond< viennacl::compressed_matrix< ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT > >
fspai_tagA tag for FSPAI. Experimental. Contains values for the algorithm. Must be passed to spai_precond constructor
gmres_tagA tag for the solver GMRES. Used for supplying solver parameters and for dispatching the solve() function
handle< OCL_TYPE >Handle class the effectively represents a smart pointer for OpenCL handles
handle_inc_dec_helper< OCL_TYPE >Helper for OpenCL reference counting used by class handle
handle_inc_dec_helper< cl_command_queue >
handle_inc_dec_helper< cl_context >
handle_inc_dec_helper< cl_kernel >
handle_inc_dec_helper< cl_mem >
handle_inc_dec_helper< cl_program >
hankel_matrix< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A Hankel matrix class
ilut_precond< MatrixType >ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
ilut_precond< compressed_matrix< ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT > >ILUT preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
ilut_tagA tag for incomplete LU factorization with threshold (ILUT)
is_cpu_scalar< T >
is_cpu_scalar< double >
is_cpu_scalar< float >
is_eigen< Tag >Meta function which checks whether a tag is tag_eigen
is_eigen< viennacl::tag_eigen >
is_matrix< T >
is_matrix< viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F, ALIGNMENT > >
is_matrix< viennacl::matrix_range< T > >
is_mtl4< Tag >Meta function which checks whether a tag is tag_mtl4
is_mtl4< viennacl::tag_mtl4 >
is_scalar< T >
is_scalar< viennacl::scalar< T > >
is_stl< Tag >Meta function which checks whether a tag is tag_ublas
is_stl< viennacl::tag_stl >
is_ublas< Tag >Meta function which checks whether a tag is tag_ublas
is_ublas< viennacl::tag_ublas >
is_vector< T >
is_vector< viennacl::vector< ScalarType, ALIGNMENT > >
is_vector< viennacl::vector_range< T > >
is_viennacl< Tag >Meta function which checks whether a tag is tag_viennacl
is_viennacl< viennacl::tag_viennacl >
jacobi_precond< MatrixType >Jacobi preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
jacobi_precond< compressed_matrix< ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT > >Jacobi preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
jacobi_tagA tag for a jacobi preconditioner
kernelRepresents an OpenCL kernel within ViennaCL
local_memA class representing local (shared) OpenCL memory. Typically used as kernel argument
lower_tagA tag class representing a lower triangular matrix
matrix< SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT >A dense matrix class
matrix_col< double, 1 >
matrix_col< double, 16 >
matrix_col< float, 1 >
matrix_col< float, 16 >
matrix_expression< LHS, RHS, OP >
matrix_expression_internal_storage< T >
matrix_expression_internal_storage< const double >
matrix_expression_internal_storage< const float >
matrix_iterator< ROWCOL, MATRIXTYPE >
MATRIX_ITERATOR_INCREMENTER< viennacl::col_iteration, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_ITERATOR_INCREMENTER< viennacl::row_iteration, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, F, ALIGNMENT > >Supply suitable increment functions for the iterators:
MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< MatrixType1 >Implementation of a helper meta class for deducing the correct kernels for the supplied matrix
MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix_range< T > >
matrix_prod_col_col_col< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_col_col_col< float, 1 >
matrix_prod_col_col_row< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_col_col_row< float, 1 >
matrix_prod_col_row_col< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_col_row_col< float, 1 >
matrix_prod_col_row_row< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_col_row_row< float, 1 >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< MatrixType1, MatrixType2, MatrixType3 >Deduces kernel type for C=A*B, where A, B, C are MatrixType1, MatrixType2 and MatrixType3 respectively
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_PROD_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
matrix_prod_row_col_col< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_row_col_col< float, 1 >
matrix_prod_row_col_row< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_row_col_row< float, 1 >
matrix_prod_row_row_col< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_row_row_col< float, 1 >
matrix_prod_row_row_row< double, 1 >
matrix_prod_row_row_row< float, 1 >
matrix_range< MatrixType >
matrix_row< double, 1 >
matrix_row< double, 16 >
matrix_row< float, 1 >
matrix_row< float, 16 >
MATRIX_SIZE_DEDUCER< LHS, RHS, OP >Deduces the size of the resulting vector represented by a vector_expression from the operands
MATRIX_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F1, A1 >, const viennacl::matrix_expression< const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F2, A2 >, const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F2, A2 >, op_trans >, viennacl::op_prod >
MATRIX_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::matrix_expression< const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F1, A1 >, const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F1, A1 >, op_trans >, const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F2, A2 >, viennacl::op_prod >
MATRIX_SIZE_DEDUCER< viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A1 >, viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A2 >, viennacl::op_prod >
matrix_solve_col_col< double, 1 >
matrix_solve_col_col< float, 1 >
matrix_solve_col_row< double, 1 >
matrix_solve_col_row< float, 1 >
MATRIX_SOLVE_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< MatrixType1, MatrixType2 >Deduces kernel type for A \ B, where A, B, C are MatrixType1 and MatrixType2
MATRIX_SOLVE_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_SOLVE_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_SOLVE_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
MATRIX_SOLVE_KERNEL_CLASS_DEDUCER< viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT >, viennacl::matrix< SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
matrix_solve_row_col< double, 1 >
matrix_solve_row_col< float, 1 >
matrix_solve_row_row< double, 1 >
matrix_solve_row_row< float, 1 >
no_precondA tag class representing the use of no preconditioner
parameter_databaseA XML parameter database using PugiXML. Allows to add tests for different devices and the like
program_for_vcltype< T >
program_for_vcltype< viennacl::compressed_matrix< T, ALIGNMENT > >
program_for_vcltype< viennacl::matrix< T, column_major, ALIGNMENT > >
program_for_vcltype< viennacl::matrix< T, row_major, ALIGNMENT > >
program_for_vcltype< viennacl::vector< T, ALIGNMENT > >
row_iterationA tag indicating iteration along increasing row index of a matrix
row_majorA tag for row-major storage of a dense matrix
row_scaling< MatrixType >Jacobi preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
row_scaling< compressed_matrix< ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT > >Jacobi preconditioner class, can be supplied to solve()-routines
row_scaling_tagA tag for a row preconditioner
scalar< TYPE >This class represents a single scalar value on the GPU and behaves mostly like a built-in scalar type like float or double
scalar< double, 1 >
scalar< float, 1 >
scalar_expression< LHS, RHS, OP >A proxy for scalar expressions (e.g. from inner vector products)
size_type< T >
spai< double, 1 >
spai< float, 1 >
spai_precond< MatrixType >Implementation of the SParse Approximate Inverse Algorithm
spai_precond< viennacl::compressed_matrix< ScalarType, MAT_ALIGNMENT > >
spai_tagA tag for SPAI Contains values for the algorithm. Must be passed to spai_precond constructor
sparse_matrix_adapted_iterator< SCALARTYPE, is_iterator1 >A non-const iterator for sparse matrices of type std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, SCALARTYPE> >
sparse_matrix_adapter< SCALARTYPE >Adapts a non-const sparse matrix type made up from std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, SCALARTYPE> > to basic ublas-compatibility
sparse_vector< ScalarType >Represents sparse vector based on std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType>
sub_matrix< MatrixType >
tag_of< Sequence, Active >
tag_of< std::vector< std::map< KEY, DATA, COMPARE, AMAP >, AVEC > >
tag_of< std::vector< std::vector< T, A >, A > >
tag_of< std::vector< T, A > >
tag_of< viennacl::circulant_matrix< T, I > >
tag_of< viennacl::compressed_matrix< T, I > >
tag_of< viennacl::coordinate_matrix< T, I > >
tag_of< viennacl::hankel_matrix< T, I > >
tag_of< viennacl::matrix< T, F, alignment > >
tag_of< viennacl::matrix_expression< T1, T2, OP > >
tag_of< viennacl::matrix_range< T > >
tag_of< viennacl::toeplitz_matrix< T, I > >
tag_of< viennacl::vandermonde_matrix< T, I > >
tag_of< viennacl::vector< T, alignment > >
to_string< T >Helper meta-class that converts a type to a string
to_string< double >
to_string< float >
toeplitz_matrix< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A Toeplitz matrix class
unit_lower_tagA tag class representing a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal
unit_upper_tagA tag class representing an upper triangular matrix with unit diagonal
upper_tagA tag class representing an upper triangular matrix
value_type< T >
vandermonde_matrix< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A Vandermonde matrix class
vector< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A vector class representing a linear memory sequence on the GPU. Inspired by boost::numeric::ublas::vector
vector< double, 1 >
vector< double, 16 >
vector< double, 4 >
vector< float, 1 >
vector< float, 16 >
vector< float, 4 >
vector_expression< LHS, RHS, OP >An expression template class that represents a binary operation that yields a vector
VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL< LHS, RHS >Extracts the vector type from one of the two arguments. Used for the vector_expression type
VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL< LHS, viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A > >
VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL< viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, RHS >
VECTOR_EXTRACTOR_IMPL< viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A > >
vector_iterator< SCALARTYPE, ALIGNMENT >A STL-type iterator for vector elements. Elements can be accessed and manipulated. VERY SLOW!!
vector_range< VectorType >
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< LHS, RHS, OP >Deduces the size of the resulting vector represented by a vector_expression from the operands
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::circulant_matrix< ScalarType, Amat >, const viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, viennacl::op_prod >
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::compressed_matrix< ScalarType, Amat >, const viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, viennacl::op_prod >
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::coordinate_matrix< ScalarType, Amat >, const viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, viennacl::op_prod >
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F, Amat >, const viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, viennacl::op_prod >
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::matrix_expression< const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F, Amat >, const viennacl::matrix< ScalarType, F, Amat >, op_trans >, const viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, viennacl::op_prod >
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, RHS, viennacl::op_div >
VECTOR_SIZE_DEDUCER< const viennacl::vector< ScalarType, A >, RHS, viennacl::op_prod >