ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
Test List
File bisect.cpp
Tests the bisection implementation for symmetric tridiagonal matrices.
File blas3_solve.cpp
Tests the BLAS level 3 triangular solvers
File external_1.cpp
A check for the absence of external linkage (otherwise, library is not truly 'header-only')
File external_2.cpp
A check for the absence of external linkage (otherwise, library is not truly 'header-only')
File fft_1d.cpp
Tests the one-dimensional FFT routines.
File fft_2d.cpp
Tests the two-dimensional FFT routines.
File global_variables.cpp
Ensures that ViennaCL works properly when objects are used as global variables.
File iterators.cpp
Tests the iterators in ViennaCL.
File libviennacl_blas1.cpp
Testing the BLAS level 1 routines in the ViennaCL BLAS-like shared library
File libviennacl_blas2.cpp
Testing the BLAS level 2 routines in the ViennaCL BLAS-like shared library
File libviennacl_blas3.cpp
Testing the BLAS level 3 routines in the ViennaCL BLAS-like shared library
File matrix_col_double.cpp
Tests routines for dense matrices, column-major, double precision.
File matrix_col_float.cpp
Tests routines for dense matrices, column-major, single precision.
File matrix_col_int.cpp
Tests routines for dense matrices, column-major, signed integers.
File matrix_convert.cpp
Tests conversion between matrices with different numeric type
File matrix_product_double.cpp
Tests dense matrix-matrix products in double precision.
File matrix_product_float.cpp
Tests dense matrix-matrix products in single precision.
File matrix_row_double.cpp
Tests routines for dense matrices, row-major, double precision.
File matrix_row_float.cpp
Tests routines for dense matrices, row-major, single precision.
File matrix_row_int.cpp
Tests routines for dense matrices, row-major, signed integers.
File matrix_vector.cpp
Tests routines for matrix-vector operaions (BLAS level 2) using floating point arithmetic.
File matrix_vector_int.cpp
Tests routines for matrix-vector operaions (BLAS level 2) using integer arithmetic.
File nmf.cpp
Tests the nonnegative matrix factorization.
File qr_method.cpp
Tests the eigenvalue routines based on the QR method.
File qr_method_func.cpp
Tests the individual building blocks of the eigenvalue routines based on the QR method.
File scalar.cpp
Tests operations for viennacl::scalar objects.
File scan.cpp
Tests inclusive and exclusive scan operations.
File scheduler_matrix.cpp
Tests the scheduler for matrix-operations (no matrix-matrix).
File scheduler_matrix_matrix.cpp
Tests the scheduler for dense matrix-matrix-operations.
File scheduler_matrix_vector.cpp
Tests the scheduler for matrix-vector-operations.
File scheduler_sparse.cpp
Tests the scheduler for sparse matrix operations.
File scheduler_vector.cpp
Tests the scheduler for vector-operations.
File self_assign.cpp
Tests the correct handling of self-assignments.
File sparse.cpp

Tests sparse matrix operations.

Tests sparse matrix operations.

File spmdm.cpp
Tests sparse-matrix-dense-matrix products.
File structured-matrices.cpp
Tests structured matrices.
File svd.cpp
Tests the singular value decomposition.
File tql.cpp
Tests the tql algorithm for eigenvalue computations for symmetric tridiagonal matrices.
File vector_convert.cpp
Tests conversion between vectors with different numeric type
File vector_float_double.cpp
Tests vector operations (BLAS level 1) for floating point arithmetic.
File vector_int.cpp
Tests vector operations (BLAS level 1) for signed integer arithmetic.
File vector_multi_inner_prod.cpp
Tests the performance of multiple inner products with a common vector.
File vector_uint.cpp
Tests vector operations (BLAS level 1) for unsigned integer arithmetic.