ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
Interfacing Other Libraries

ViennaCL aims at compatibility with as many other libraries as possible. This is on the one hand achieved by using generic implementations of the individual algorithms, and on the other hand by providing the necessary wrappers.

The interfaces to third-party libraries provided with ViennaCL are explained in the following subsections. Please feel free to suggest additional libraries for which an interface should be shipped with ViennaCL.

Since it is unlikely that all third-party libraries for which ViennaCL provides interfaces are installed on the target machine, the wrappers are disabled by default. To selectively enable the wrappers, the appropriate preprocessor constants VIENNACL_WITH_XXXX have to be defined prior to any #include statements for ViennaCL headers. This can for example be assured by passing the preprocessor constant directly when launching the compiler. With GCC this is for instance achieved by the -D switch.


Since all types in ViennaCL have the same interface as their counterparts in Boost.uBLAS, most code written for ViennaCL objects remains valid when using Boost.uBLAS objects.

// Option 1: Using ViennaCL:
using namespace viennacl;
using namespace viennacl::linalg;
// Option 2: Using ublas:
//using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
vector<float> dense_vector(5,5);
compressed_matrix<float> sparse_matrix(1000, 1000);
// fill with data:
dense_matrix(0,0) = 2.0;
// run solvers
vector<float> result1 = solve(dense_matrix, dense_vector, upper_tag());
vector<float> result2 = viennacl::linalg::solve(sparse_matrix, dense_vector, cg_tag());

The above code is valid for either the ViennaCL namespace declarations, or the Boost.uBLAS namespace. Note that the iterative solvers are not part of Boost.uBLAS and therefore the explicit namespace specification is required. More examples for the exchangability of Boost.uBLAS and ViennaCL can be found in the tutorials in the examples/tutorials/ folder.

When using the iterative solvers, the preprocessor constant VIENNACL_WITH_UBLAS must be defined prior to any other ViennaCL include statements. This is essential for enabling the respective wrappers.
Refer in particular to iterative-ublas.cpp for a complete example on iterative solvers using Boost.uBLAS types.


To copy data from Armadillo [1] objects (version 5.x) to ViennaCL, the copy()-functions are used just as for Boost.uBLAS and STL types:

// from Armadillo to ViennaCL
viennacl::copy(arma_vector, vcl_vector);
viennacl::copy(arma_densematrix, vcl_densematrix);
viennacl::copy(arma_sparsematrix, vcl_sparsematrix);

In addition, the STL-compliant iterator-version of viennacl::copy() taking three arguments can be used for copying vector data. Here, all types prefixed with arma are Armadillo types, the prefix vcl indicates ViennaCL objects. Similarly, the transfer from ViennaCL back to Armadillo is accomplished by

//from ViennaCL to Armadillo
viennacl::copy(vcl_vector, arma_vector);
viennacl::copy(vcl_densematrix, arma_densematrix);
viennacl::copy(vcl_sparsematrix, arma_sparsematrix);

The iterative solvers in ViennaCL can also be used directly with Armadillo objects:

using namespace viennacl::linalg; // for brevity of the following lines
arma_result = solve(arma_matrix, arma_rhs, cg_tag());
arma_result = solve(arma_matrix, arma_rhs, bicgstab_tag());
arma_result = solve(arma_matrix, arma_rhs, gmres_tag());
When using the iterative solvers with Armadillo, the preprocessor constant VIENNACL_WITH_ARMADILLO must be defined prior to any other ViennaCL include statements. This is essential for enabling the respective wrappers.
Refer to iterative-armadillo.cpp and armadillo-with-viennacl.cpp for complete examples.


To copy data from Eigen [11] objects (version 3.x.y) to ViennaCL, the copy()-functions are used just as for Boost.uBLAS and STL types:

// from Eigen to ViennaCL
viennacl::copy(eigen_vector, vcl_vector);
viennacl::copy(eigen_densematrix, vcl_densematrix);
viennacl::copy(eigen_sparsematrix, vcl_sparsematrix);

In addition, the STL-compliant iterator-version of viennacl::copy() taking three arguments can be used for copying vector data. Here, all types prefixed with eigen are Eigen types, the prefix vcl indicates ViennaCL objects. Similarly, the transfer from ViennaCL back to Eigen is accomplished by

//from ViennaCL to Eigen
viennacl::copy(vcl_vector, eigen_vector);
viennacl::copy(vcl_densematrix, eigen_densematrix);
viennacl::copy(vcl_sparsematrix, eigen_sparsematrix);

The iterative solvers in ViennaCL can also be used directly with Eigen objects:

using namespace viennacl::linalg; // for brevity of the following lines
eigen_result = solve(eigen_matrix, eigen_rhs, cg_tag());
eigen_result = solve(eigen_matrix, eigen_rhs, bicgstab_tag());
eigen_result = solve(eigen_matrix, eigen_rhs, gmres_tag());
When using the iterative solvers with Eigen, the preprocessor constant VIENNACL_WITH_EIGEN must be defined prior to any other ViennaCL include statements. This is essential for enabling the respective wrappers.
Refer to iterative-eigen.cpp and eigen-with-viennacl.cpp for complete examples.


The following lines demonstate how ViennaCL types are filled with data from MTL [22] objects:

//from MTL 4 to ViennaCL
viennacl::copy(mtl4_vector, vcl_vector);
viennacl::copy(mtl4_densematrix, vcl_densematrix);
viennacl::copy(mtl4_sparsematrix, vcl_sparsematrix);

In addition, the STL-compliant iterator-version of viennacl::copy() taking three arguments can be used for copying vector data. Here, all types prefixed with mtl4 are MTL types, the prefix vcl indicates ViennaCL objects. Similarly, the transfer from ViennaCL back to MTL is accomplished by

//from ViennaCL to MTL4
viennacl::copy(vcl_vector, mtl4_vector);
viennacl::copy(vcl_densematrix, mtl4_densematrix);
viennacl::copy(vcl_sparsematrix, mtl4_sparsematrix);

Even though MTL provides its own set of iterative solvers, the iterative solvers in ViennaCL can also be used:

using namespace viennacl::linalg; //for brevity of the following lines
mtl4_result = solve(mtl4_matrix, mtl4_rhs, cg_tag());
mtl4_result = solve(mtl4_matrix, mtl4_rhs, bicgstab_tag());
mtl4_result = solve(mtl4_matrix, mtl4_rhs, gmres_tag());

Our internal tests have shown that the execution time of MTL solvers is equal to ViennaCL solvers when using MTL types.

When using the iterative solvers with MTL, the preprocessor constant VIENNACL_WITH_MTL4 must be defined prior to any other ViennaCL include statements. This is essential for enabling the respective wrappers.
Refer to iterative-mtl4.cpp and mtl4-with-viennacl.cpp for complete examples.