ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.0
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.

In this example we show how one can directly interface the ViennaCL BLAS-like shared library. For simplicity, C++ is used as a host language, but one may also use C or any other language which is able to call C functions.

The first step is to include the necessary headers:

// include necessary system headers
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// Some helper functions for this tutorial:
#include "viennacl.hpp"

In this example we only create two vectors and swap values between them.

int main()
std::size_t size = 10;
ViennaCLInt half_size = static_cast<ViennaCLInt>(size / 2);

Before we start we need to create a backend. This allows one later to specify OpenCL command queues, CPU threads, or CUDA streams while preserving common interfaces.

ViennaCLBackend my_backend;

Host-based Execution

We use the host to swap all odd entries of x (all ones) with all even entries in y (all twos):

ViennaCLHostSswap(my_backend, half_size,
viennacl::linalg::host_based::detail::extract_raw_pointer<float>(host_x), 1, 2,
viennacl::linalg::host_based::detail::extract_raw_pointer<float>(host_y), 0, 2);
std::cout << " --- Host ---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "host_x: " << host_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "host_y: " << host_y << std::endl;

CUDA-based Execution

We use CUDA to swap all even entries in x (all ones) with all odd entries in y (all twos)

ViennaCLCUDASswap(my_backend, half_size,
viennacl::cuda_arg(cuda_x), 0, 2,
viennacl::cuda_arg(cuda_y), 1, 2);
std::cout << " --- CUDA ---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "cuda_x: " << cuda_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "cuda_y: " << cuda_y << std::endl;

OpenCL-based Execution

Use OpenCL to swap all odd entries in x (all ones) with all odd entries in y (all twos)

long context_id = 0;
ViennaCLBackendSetOpenCLContextID(my_backend, static_cast<ViennaCLInt>(context_id));
ViennaCLOpenCLSswap(my_backend, half_size,
viennacl::traits::opencl_handle(opencl_x).get(), 1, 2,
viennacl::traits::opencl_handle(opencl_y).get(), 1, 2);
std::cout << " --- OpenCL ---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "opencl_x: " << opencl_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "opencl_y: " << opencl_y << std::endl;

The last step is to clean up by destroying the backend:

std::cout << "!!!! TUTORIAL COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY !!!!" << std::endl;

Full Example Code

/* =========================================================================
Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Institute for Microelectronics,
Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
TU Wien.
Portions of this software are copyright by UChicago Argonne, LLC.
ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
Project Head: Karl Rupp
(A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
// include necessary system headers
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// Some helper functions for this tutorial:
#include "viennacl.hpp"
int main()
std::size_t size = 10;
ViennaCLInt half_size = static_cast<ViennaCLInt>(size / 2);
ViennaCLBackend my_backend;
ViennaCLHostSswap(my_backend, half_size,
viennacl::linalg::host_based::detail::extract_raw_pointer<float>(host_x), 1, 2,
viennacl::linalg::host_based::detail::extract_raw_pointer<float>(host_y), 0, 2);
std::cout << " --- Host ---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "host_x: " << host_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "host_y: " << host_y << std::endl;
ViennaCLCUDASswap(my_backend, half_size,
viennacl::cuda_arg(cuda_x), 0, 2,
viennacl::cuda_arg(cuda_y), 1, 2);
std::cout << " --- CUDA ---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "cuda_x: " << cuda_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "cuda_y: " << cuda_y << std::endl;
long context_id = 0;
ViennaCLBackendSetOpenCLContextID(my_backend, static_cast<ViennaCLInt>(context_id));
ViennaCLOpenCLSswap(my_backend, half_size,
viennacl::traits::opencl_handle(opencl_x).get(), 1, 2,
viennacl::traits::opencl_handle(opencl_y).get(), 1, 2);
std::cout << " --- OpenCL ---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "opencl_x: " << opencl_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "opencl_y: " << opencl_y << std::endl;
std::cout << "!!!! TUTORIAL COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY !!!!" << std::endl;