Documentation for dm_fri.dat The file contains weekly observations from 1975 to 1990 on the US dollar/German mark spot and forward exchange rate changes and the US dollar thirty-day treasury bill rate. The fields are as follows: 1. yymmdd = year, month, day of the obervation; 2. day = day of the week, usually 5 which is Friday; 3. gap = number of days since previous observation, usually 7; 4. ds = 100[log(spot rate in $/dm)-log(previous spot rate in $/dm)]; 5. fs = 100[log(forward rate in $/dm) - log(spot rate in $/dm)]; 6. tb30 = 30-day T-Bill rate; Reference: Bansal, Ravi, A. Ronald Gallant, Robert Hussey, and George Tauchen (1994), "Nonparametric Estimation of Structural Models for High- Frequency Currency Market Data," Journal of Econometrics 66, 251--287.