6/24/02 Documentation for variables in the data set annual4.dat: Col 1: Year 2: End of year combined NYSE-AMEX real capitalization, $1996. 3: Cumulative real dividend over the year, $1996; monthly dividend is that implied by the returns with and without dividend and the capitalization. 4: Cumulative real ($1996) return over the year on the stock market, computed as the 12-month total of one-month geometric value-weighted returns. 5: Quadratic variance, measured as the sum over the year of the squared monthly geometric returns. 6: Per Capita Durable Goods Consumption, $1996. 7: Per Capita Non Durable Goods Consumption, $1996. 8: Per Capita Services, $1996. 9: Population, thousands. 10: Expected inflation computed as a 12-month trailing moving average of CPI geometric growth rate. 11: Three month T-Bill rate (end of year rate). Sources: CRSP data, BLS data, and FRED and NBER web sites. George Tauchen george.tauchen@duke.edu