nlmdl.tar nlmdl.tar can be unpacked by using unzip on Microsoft Windows or tar -xf nlmdl.tar on a Unix machine. nlmdl is a C++ implementation of the statistical methods in A. Ronald Gallant, "Nonlinear Statistical Models," New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1987, ISBN 0-471-80260-3, using a matrix class realmat that is distributed with it. The header files nlmdl.h and realmat.h describe the use of the program and matrix class, respectively. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 2002. A. Ronald Gallant Post Office Box 659 Chapel Hill NC 27514-0659 USA Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without any expressed or implied warranty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This header describes the program for estimating theta of the model e=q(t,theta). The user supples a file named starting.dat whose contents are described by the template: switches This line is passed to class model as a string. method What estimation method? Code SUR, TSLS, or GMM. n Number of observations, t = 1, ..., n. M Number of equations in the system, i.e. dimension of e. K Number of instruments, i.e. dimension of Z, code K=0 with SUR. p Number of parameters, i.e. dimension of theta. itheta Upper limit on Gauss-Newton iterations. ivar Number of var iterates, ivar=0 means none. vartype Code homoskedastic or heteroskedastic. MA Number of moving average terms for var estimate, code MA=0 if e iid. weights Code none or Parzen, coding none when MA>0 is asking for trouble. tol Convergence tolerance, tol=1.0e-8 is reasonable. eps Inversion tolerance, eps=1.0e-13 is reasonable (if REAL is double). detail How much output? Code none, minimal, or full. Blank line. Blank line. Blank line. Blank line. Blank line. theta(1) Starting values for theta. These must be supplied. to theta(p) var(1) Starting values for variance estimate. These can be omitted. Matrix is stored columnwise. If method = SUR or TSLS then then to l=M and var corresponds to C(e,e'). If method = GMM then l=M*K and var corresponds to the variance of sum on t of e Kronecker var(l*l) product Z. See class status for more detail, especially status::from. The file starting.dat is read twice. At the first reading it must contain at least the first line, switches. Class model, described next, can supply entries for the second reading. The user also supplies the class model as files model.h and The class model is declared in model.h which should match the following template: #include "status.h" extern status s; class model { private: //... public: model(); ~model(); realmat e_t; // e_t is s.M by 1 realmat dele_t; // dele_t is s.M by s.p realmat Z_t; // Z_t is s.K by 1, null if s.K = 0; int initialize(); int terminate(); void e(INTEGER t); // e fills in e_t void dele(INTEGER t); // dele fills in dele_t = del e_t wrt theta void Z(INTEGER t); // Z fills in Z_t } For SUR, code the function Z as follows: void model::Z(INTEGER t) { } In writing the class model, the relevant facts regarding program flow in are as follows: 1. First, s is tentatively filled in by reading starting.dat using status s; s.from(s.starting); The primary purpose of this read is to get the first line from starting.dat so as to make it available to model as the string s.switches. Nonetheless, everything in starting.dat is read and put in s. 2. Next, initialize() of class model is called. The function initialize() can read starting.dat, can read other data, etc. Since all of class status's data is public, any of it can be filled in or changed by initialize(). One could, for example, fill in all of class status's data and write it using; One could also switch to a different starting status file using s.starting="filename"; or a different ending status file using s.ending="filename"; If initialize() returns 0, execution stops. 3. Then, class status's data is definitively filled in by the call s.from(s.starting); and m.e_t, m.dele_t, and m.Z_t are dimensioned as m.e_t.resize(s.M,1); m.dele_t.resize(s.M,s.p); if (s.K > 0) m.Z_t.resize(s.K,1); Estimation proceeds using these settings and dimensions. 4. Finally, terminate() of class model is called; terminate() can read data, write data, etc. If terminate() returns 0 execution stops, otherwise initialize() is called again and the cycle repeats (from Step 2). One can use this feature to loop over a grid of starting values. Reference: Gallant, A. Ronald (1987), "Nonlinear Statistical Models," New York: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-80260-3.