Documentation for dm_fri.dat The file contains weekly observations from 1975 to 1990 on the German mark/US dollar exchange rate, German mark/US dollar thirty-day forward rate, and the US dollar thirty-day treasury bill rate. Reference: Bansal, Ravi, A. Ronald Gallant, Robert Hussey, and George Tauchen (1992), "Nonparametric Estimation of Structural Models for High-Frequency Currency Market Data," Unpublished working paper, Duke Univesity. Corresponding author: George Tauchen, Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706, (919) 660-1812, e-mail *---------------------------------------------------------------------; To read the data in SAS: *---------------------------------------------------------------------; data work01; infile 'dm_fri.dat'; input (yy mm dd day gap spot forwrd tb30) (2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 9.6 9.6 9.2); * yy mm dd = year, month, day of the obervation; * day = day of the week, usually 5 which is Friday; * gap = number of days since previous observation, usually 7; * spot = spot rate in dm/$; * forwrd = forward rate in dm/$; * tb30 = 30-day T-Bill rate; * Put exchange rates in $/dm for consistency with the paper.; s = 100*(log((1.0/spot))); f = 100*(log((1.0/forwrd))); ds = s - lag1(s); fs = f - s; tb = tb30; if _n_ = 1 then delete; *---------------------------------------------------------------------; To read the data in Fortran: *---------------------------------------------------------------------; integer*4 i,m,n real*8 data,s1,s,f,spot,forwrd,tb30 parameter (m=3, n=834) dimension data(m,n) open(unit=14,file='dm_fri.dat',status='old') s1 = 0.0 do i=0,n read(14,'(11x,f9.6,f9.6,f9.2)') spot, forwrd, tb30 c c spot = spot rate in DM/$ c forwrd = forward rate in DM/$ c tb30 = 30-day T-Bill rate c c Put exchange rates in $/dm for consistency with the paper. c s = 100*(dlog((1.d0/spot))) f = 100*(dlog((1.0d0/forwrd))) if (i .ge. 1) then data(1,i) = s - s1 data(2,i) = f - s data(3,i) = tb30 endif s1 = s end do close(14) end *---------------------------------------------------------------------;